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Everything posted by Brian

  1. All reviews read relatively the same. The lexicon is the same. The beats are the same. The 8-10 scale is the same. I like they are trying something different. I would like to see sites streaming the game Day 1 on Twitch and taking/answering questions.
  2. Chilled on a beach all day with a beer and let the sun burn me.
  3. Last Wave Brewing - Right Coast (Coconut Porter) - 4/5. I had it with a chocolate flourless cake and paired really well with it. A really fun desert beer.
  4. BFV should drop an open beta from Oct 6th - Oct 14th. It sounds like the changes can only be appreciated when you play it so an open beta is a good way to get some goodwill and build some word of mouth for it.
  5. Batman: The Enemy Within. Outside the terrible glitches, I really enjoyed the first season.
  6. The delay also lowers the company's expected net bookings for fiscal year 2019 to $5.2 billion from $5.55 billion.
  7. I should replace my 2009 Audi A4 but I hate the process of buying a car.
  8. You didn’t have to grind to see the true ending because of YouTube. Thanks Google.
  9. It just feels wrong to see a Sam Adams Octoberfest in stores when it’s a 95 degrees outside.
  10. Missed opportunity for Capcom. This would have been a huge E3 announcement and received a ton of press.
  11. Add this to the Terminator and Alien pile of movies that should be left for dead.
  12. Finished it. Overall it’s ok. It started to hit a stride for me in the last two episodes. Hopefully season 2 can continue its momentum.
  13. Narrator sound like Phil Spencer. Micr$oft buying anything it can get its hands on.
  14. My mom is having some self esteem issues. When can I drop her off? I promise to pick her before 2 years.
  15. I had a similar issue with the Xbox One X and a hard reboot fixed it
  16. Fortnite since I will be on the beach all weekend
  17. While listening to the Easy Allies podcast, a great point was brought up. Square has found success with its throwback RPGs like Bravely Default and I Am Setsuna, but the each sequel sort of bombed.
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