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Everything posted by Brian

  1. I hope last episode is an outlier. Everything you hate about a comedy show after 13 seasons rolled up into one episode.
  2. Finished Oathbringer. Slow beginning but otherwise an enjoyable read. A good end for the first 3 books especially since the next book will be a prequel. My next book is a study guide for the CPA exam
  3. @number305 Logitech G920 Wheel recommenced by @Hardact is on sale for $250
  4. Deadpool 2 - 4/5 - I liked it but a little too much retread for my tastes at times.
  5. Never played either game, but I rather wait for a Switch version
  6. Isn’t Main Street the “rail road” where if you are on the ocean side it is nice and the other side is not so nice? Just assume that all the money got pumped by the Ocean front. Anyway, I might be gong to AP for the SHN music festival this weekend.
  7. Maybe the viewer metric is high because people keep forgetting it exists until they watch half the video
  8. Come on, you will be lucky to play Last of Us by holiday 2019.
  9. If I was Sony, I would delay this game until the summer. February 22nd is a brutal release day for a game that, in my opinion, has shown very little why you should buy it.
  10. I think there is value for a company to have a preorder discount, but I do think to see that value, Tarjay should make it an in-store only promotion. You can order it online, but you must pick it up at a store.
  11. I was thinking of buying a house in Asbury Park a few years ago but I chickened out.
  12. Just Spider-Man. Reached the 50% complete tonight.
  13. Ordered the watch and passed on the phone. OS12 breathed new life into my phone so I’m good.
  14. After the massive success of the TWD S1, clearly management thought it was mainly related to the licensing. A huge mistake. Plus didn’t help that two of the driving forces for TWD left right after.
  15. Maybe the origin story is tied to Killer Klowns From Outer Space
  16. It helps when you are in the 1% for PC hardware
  17. @Mr.Vic20 Two patches, today and Sept 28th, have been confirmed by InXile to hopefully fix performance and bug issues. It is just unplayable for me in its current state which is a shame because I like the combat system so far.
  18. The Devs have said in the past that they regretted the PS+ deal but I do think it is the one of the reasons the game did so well
  19. The Meg - 2/5 - Massive shark, underwater research facility, Jason Statham, and so much wasted potentialzzzzzzzzzzzzz
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