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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Got into Project Stream so I will be streaming some Ass Creed this weekend
  2. I preordered on GoG so I’m on media blackout until release. I am more excited for this than any other game releasing this year. Let’s gooooooo
  3. I got a business trip tomorrow so just Valkyria Chronicles 4 on the Switch.
  4. Arkham Asylum is still the best comic book game. It has little fluff, a cool, intimate setting to explore, fun boss battles, and of course the introduction of a great combat system. Traversing in Batman games is a chore which this game has none of it.
  5. This is the second game that made me feel sick while playing it. First game was Ryse: Son of Rome on the Xbone.
  6. Best: My wife is Slovak so we try to go visit her family every year or two. When we fly, we fly with Austrian Airlines from Newark NJ to Vienna. We buy the cheapest ticket possible because Austrian Airlines has a bid mechanic that allows you to be upgraded to Business class. When we first started doing this, the lowest bid allowed was $250 so of course we bid $251 and more often than not we got upgraded. Austrian must have got wised to it because they bumped it up to $450 I believe. We don’t do it anymore. Worst: In college, I drove an Acura Integra. Due to going to school in the North East, the salt ate away the muffler and I had to replace it. Acura quoted me some price that I scoffed at and said I can get it done cheaper elsewhere. The real reason I didn’t want to pay the quote price was because I wanted to build a new computer and couldn’t afford both. Instead, I went to some random mechanic I found in town. He replaced the muffler for half the price. Within 18 months, the new muffler got a hole in it. I went back to the mechanic and basically said it was my fault because I wanted the cheapest price so he used the cheapest parts possible. I eventually brought to Acura to get a replacement. Lesson learned
  7. Which is why I wouldn’t buy them. After reading the Obsidian chapter in Jason Schreier’s book, I got the impression that the issues in the company is more than just a management issue. I personally don’t think Obsidian has made a great game in long time. 2022 - This will be repurposed for Microsoft
  8. Smart move. We all know that when people are done playing Fortnite, they like to bust a nut. Horny bastards
  9. Worst: 1A. Vive - $800 - I got sucked in by the Hype train and bought Day 1. I never use it. Everything about it is a hassle. 1B. Bathroom Remodel - $6,000 (labor only) - I hired a family friend to do it because he needed worked and helped my mom out a lot with handy jobs. The work he did is fine, he just took a one month job and turned it into three and half. Having no toilet or shower on the second floor for two months was infuriating. Since he was giving us a “deal”, he thought it was fine to take other jobs. He would disappear for weeks at a time. I should have known better. Best: 2009 Audi A4 3.2L - $30,000ish - It was my first car I bought after school and I still drive it. It has given me zero issues. It still drives really well. I hope it lasts another 10 years.
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