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Everything posted by Best

  1. I beat Eternal at its release and don't remember anything. Since it's on gamepass I might give this another try. For those that played it, are there difficulty options?
  2. My tolerance was getting so high I'd eat 20 gummies at one time. They recommended 1 gummy per dose on the bag.
  3. Well I refuse to buy the same brand of gummies that did this. But I'm taking a long break from it all together. Fuck this.
  4. Dude, my ulcer is so bad I'm heading to the doctors tomorrow. I haven't eaten in 4 days because of the severe pain. I can't even drink fluids without it feeling like I'm getting stabbed in the tounge with a knife. I'm not exaggerating in the slightest.
  5. See this is where bacon has you beat. He doesn't ever beg yet some how gets gifted more games than you. But you're my boy so I hook you up.
  6. Thats what made me stop playing TOTK because every fuckin thing you had to do was basically a mini puzzle. Now I am playing a game that's too easy with no gameplay. Got to find the happy medium.
  7. Best

    Are you racist?

    I was about to ask you about this because of you and BG3.
  8. Best

    Are you racist?

    I agree. I truly despise almost everyone. Nobody has good intentions but their own.
  9. I'm an addict so this all relates to me. I was smoking marijuana daily like you and had the exact same issues. I had to cut up my medical marijuana card and stop cold turkey. I dabble in gummues here and there but I haven't had marijuana in 3 years. It’s very difficult so I completely understand where you are coming from. Keep up the good work.
  10. I'll be completely honest I'd love to see Bronny on the Lakers just for sheer entertainment purposes.
  11. Good for you in limiting your alcohol consumption. Marijuana is like a good medicine when used responsibly.
  12. I'm not 100% positive. There is a ton of options at the place I go to so I can look into this. Thanks. These gummies absolutely need chewed up before swallowing. I'd choke to death if I didn't chew them lol.
  13. Yea I use Delta 9 thc gummies on occasions but I get mouth ulcers from them. In fact I have a bloody ulcer on my tounge atm from just using gummies. It's EXTREMELY painful.
  14. The combat is extremely basic but it's fun to execute blows and dodge. I completely forget if part 1 was like this where each combat encounter is a one on one cinematic.... I just solved a "puzzle" that my niece could figure out.
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