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Everything posted by Best

  1. Good picks. I figured you loved Pulp Fiction because of the gif you use a lot.
  2. Ok. I think I need to really make an effort to watch these. Everyone here praised the hell out of these movies. Thanks
  3. @Fizzzzle I had absolutely no idea Dune 2 released on Max. Is it necessary to see the first to understand what's going on in 2?
  4. Same thing happened to me. The Switch is like a dollar store toy lol.
  5. It "opens up" but you litteraly just follow a path with absolutely nothing going on except listening to voices in your head. Which drove me up the wall. It's not a videogame.
  6. I had a Hardee's near my last job. It is extremely tasty but very pricey. I never tried their breakfast but I wouldn't doubt it's really good.
  7. Luka is a fuckin beast. But lol at the Golden Corral comment.
  8. T2 is basically a perfect sci-fi movie. It hasn't aged in the slightest and I can watch it everyday and never get sick of it. I saw it in theaters as a kid with my older brother and it's something I'll never forget.
  9. Now I want McDonald's but I haven't eaten in 6 days. Heading to the hospital now for my tounge. Pain 1-10.. a 15
  10. I seriously cannot recommend this game to anyone. It's extremely dark and depressing and not enjoyable to play in the slightest. I'm claustrophobic and this game capitalizes on that big time. The story is a complete slug. 4/10
  11. I completely endorse everything about this post. Especially "It's not my fault I am the biggest and strongest....I don't even exercise".
  12. Only one for me. Interview with the anal queen. 👸
  13. McDonald's coke is the best coke in the world. Hands down. They handle the coke in a different way then other places but I don't know the details.
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