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Everything posted by Best

  1. I had it on the easiest difficulty but obviously didn't get far enough to really test my skills. Is Rage 2 on gamepass? I just looked it up and it seems dope.
  2. I saw this when it broke but I know only like 2 people here care about the NBA so I didn't bother to post it. RIP to a legend.
  3. chud (plural chuds) (US, slang) A gross, physically unappealing person. (chiefly US, Internet slang, sometimes derogatory) A person who is on the political right or who holds socio-political views seen as reactionary.
  4. If there is a price increase on gamepass then I'm finished with it. Xbox needs to go 3rd party and stop making consoles.
  5. Chud is used around here way too often. But I won't go any further. What Richard said is gross and I hope he gets canceled. But on the political board the word chud is thrown around way too loosely. But again...I know the people who post here. No surprises.
  6. Wait. Every Catholic priest I was ever around growing up in a Catholic school for 8 years were gay. The entire thing is a complete and utter joke and a complete disgrace.
  7. As much as I think this franchise needs to hang it up, I'll gladly play this day one.
  8. Holy shit. I just played like 10 minutes of Doom Eternal on my OLED deck and it is so fuckin badass. I'm downloading it now on my Series X.
  9. Shh. Can't talk like that on here. Chud's suck. Period.
  10. Thanks. Glad to hear this because I honestly think I'm making this my main game once I'm out of the hospital.
  11. At least LeBron isn't in the finals.
  12. No it's one of the greatest fps ever. I'm just laying in bed in agony. The medication given to me isn't working so I have to wait to call an oral surgeon tomorrow morning. It's been 8 days since I ate. I'm starving with 0 energy.
  13. I just downloaded Doom Eternal on my OLED deck. I'll try it out later tonight. I'll have to put it on easy.
  14. As an addict I would love to see how heroine feels like but I absolutely understand how lethal it potentially can be.
  15. I need to watch that again.
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