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Everything posted by Best

  1. In my current situation I'm able to do that. I've gifted a Switch on here in the past. I don't think anyone on here needs a PS5 except for Phaseknox and this community already gave him money to buy the Pro this Holiday.
  2. This has been what my family has done for years. No plastic bag we get at the store ever goes to waste. But in PA plastic bags are still widely used.
  3. Ok. Well I could get it for you but only if you REALLY want it. I know you're a huge FF14 guy. Let's take this to pm so we don't derail this thread anymore than it already has been.
  4. Congratulations on this big decision. I wish you all the best my friend.
  5. Oh ok. I just can't get excited for Astro but it looks cool. Yea. That's when I'll give it a shot.
  6. We all need to just get along. We have been on this message board together for 13 years. It's like one big family. I have made many mistakes on here and regret a lot of shit I've said. It's time for me to cowboy the fuck up and respect others and act like an adult.
  7. I'm not in the business of getting into it with other users anymore. He made some fair points in here and we moved on. I need to watch what I say.
  8. My comments toward CastlevaniaNut18 were completely and utterly despicable. That is one thing on here I truly regret. I apologized to her on many occasions and tried to move on. She and I just don't get along and that's fine. I think she is a very good person who works hard in the nursing field. We just collide too much so I had to just completely ignore her. But since then I've really tried to change. So I'm not perfect but I'm willing to learn and grow. It's not going to happen over night.
  9. Well don't you enjoy platformers? Astro looks phenomenal for the genre so that should be on your radar. I am just a bit confused in how Sony is going to hype up the Pro this Fall without something that truly utilizes it. I mean it should clean up prior releases to something like 4K 60fps but this isn't factual yet.
  10. I just wish I could understand him.
  11. I can agree with this. I do flip flop on politics because I truly get stuck in the middle between what's going on right now. But let's not go there. You make fair points. I will try to do better.
  12. @Greatoneshere Let’s try to get a long. I will do better with certain things I say but let's just relax. I respect you as a user in all other regards and enjoy reading your movie reviews etc. If I say something you find offensive just politely let me know.
  13. You know, you could just address things with me in a polite friendly matter? I'm not sure why we can't get a long overall. If I say something stupid just politely correct me. I can absolutely take constructive criticism and I know some of the things I say can be taken badly. I try to learn and be better.
  14. I'm seriously done with getting upset with users on here. I truly do think he is a great user but he really just needs to lay off me. Finding a 27 yr old attractive and saying she has great tits is not a big deal by any stretch of the imagination.
  15. Well the character models look about the same as Top Spin. So does it have potential to be good?
  16. I'm unblocking you. This shit is too good to miss. I love you and I think overall you're a very intelligent user but you're hatred for me is gold. I won't be missing out anymore.
  17. I don't recall seeing anything. Sorry 😞
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