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Everything posted by Best

  1. Thank you! This something I really wanted to see.
  2. I won't bring this up again. But I was holding my twin brothers hand as he slowly passed away and when it happened I felt my entire world dissappear. It's the most awful feeling I will ever have to deal with. Now I have 40+ years to go until we reunite again.
  3. Yea but I honestly don't think those that support Trump give a shit about him being a convicted felon. In fact from what I'm seeing in online polls and short video feeds is that this is just fueling their fire. I'm talking about online polls that mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. It's the beginning of June so it's a long way off.
  4. I'm suicidal because of my situation. It's completely understandable and just imagine something like that happening to you.
  5. I'll actually probably be moving but not because Biden wins. Maybe I can move into Greatoneshere basement and watch porn all day stating how hot these 20 year olds are. Kidding.
  6. It looks phenomenal but I just don't enjoy football games. My problem with them is that it's nearly impossible to play good defense. But that's probably a me problem rather than the games. The last football game I bought was NFL 2K5.
  7. This better not turn out like the The Willy's Chocolate Factory Experience in Scotland.
  8. As a huge Shameless fan the series really takes a turn for the worst around season 5. They should have ended the show then but boy oh boy do they drag it out. The first 3 seasons are incredible.
  9. Phantom Menace doesn't compare to episode IV, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi. You should watch them at some point.
  10. I'm about 10 hours into this. Such an incredible fp shooting experience. I mean it stays fresh with new upgrades throughout and the action never gets old. I'm a story driven type of gamer but this is just flat out mindless fun.
  11. I am with you in loving Shameless so that is my reason of really liking Cal in the games. Have you seen the Star Wars trilogy from 1977-1983?
  12. I think I need to get back to this soon. It was really good until I ran into issues which were from my own stupidity. @Biggie Are you ever getting back into this?
  13. I think I might put New Vegas ahead of Fallout 3. It has a special place in my heart for certain reasons.
  14. I don't have you on block. Yes, it's best we stay away from each other. I apologized to you and now we both move forward.
  15. I didn't over eat though. But that first bite of pizza was amazing when you haven’t eaten food in over two weeks.
  16. For some reason I'm really into pepperoni right now. Funny thing is I used to not like it on my pizza. This was really good though.
  17. My parents like extra sauce but this pizza was for me. I got a 20oz coke with it. I don't know. Let me know what you think of this. It tasted delicious but I'm not so sure in how it looks.
  18. A large sicilian pizza incoming half pepperoni. Pic will be provided. This time I'm not asking for extra sauce which ruined the pizza last time.
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