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Everything posted by Best

  1. Lol. I think spork completely trashed you in his last conversation with you on this subject. You come up with good gifs but spork is just flat out funny with them. Sorry I'm not sorry.
  2. It's so fuckin good. Just leagues above most games. It still looks phenomenal on PS5 60fps.
  3. I think you're the best at gifs here. Almost a guaranteed laugh.
  4. GOW won by one mesley vote. I will play that and then maybe play Ghost afterwards.
  5. Holy shit. You can call off sick as much as you want? That is unheard of. Yes, I'm officially retired from my State job. I live next door to a retire post office manager. He is trying to get me a job with the postal service. I'm in absolutely no rush to work. I'm enjoying my time off because I won't get to do this again until I'm old af.
  6. How many sick days do you get? Call in tomorrow you coward.
  7. I'm doomed out. It was a hell of a ride but I prefer story based games. Yes, Doom has a story and lore but not on the level that I prefer.
  8. Tomorrow I'll check the votes out and go with what wins. It's Sunday evening so this place is slower than it normally is. If I had to choose which I liked better in the GOW games Ragnarok would win out. But maybe if I play the first one again my mind will change.
  9. I put driving games in with sports titles in that they never qualify as my main game but something I play on the side. Did you ever beat GOW 2018?
  10. She's been getting beat up from the very first game. And the comments made by current and older players are all from jealousy. They all should embrace her because she's making the sport popular. Hell I downloaded the WNBA app just to watch Caitlin play.
  11. I'm not familiar enough on if cross saves work here. If it did I'd absolutely play both but I don't think it's possible. Any reason you haven't played Ragnarok? That is in my top 10 games of all-time.
  12. I've been keeping my eye on Caitlin Clark every day basically rooting for her but my fears that I posted above are in full fruition. It's fucking pathetic.
  13. I'm leaning towards that. But if I do play that I'm questioning if I should play it on the deck or on my PS5.
  14. It's going to be batshit crazy on so many different levels.
  15. That was one game that I completely misread. And it was totally my fault because I played 10 hours of part 1 a month before par 2's release.
  16. I'm in a dry spell right now after I just beat Doom Eternal this morning. I played and beat Ghost of Tsushima and GOW 2018 but I consider them two of my all-time favorites. I have an itch to play both but I'm only deciding on one that wins this poll. Thanks 😊
  17. I know I'm just messin with you. But you do miss out on a lot of great games either from being too afraid or just not liking the content. You are a funny one when it comes to games.
  18. Absolutely. I have about 30 minutes left and it's excellent. The last Godzilla I saw was the atrocious 1998 version with Matthew Broderick. In that they were afraid to show Godzilla in the daylight and it would always be dark and rainy when he'd make his presence. In this not only are they confident in showing him it looks fuckin real. Now I'm watching it on my phone so I'm not getting the best viewing experience. But Godzilla is shown in broad daylight and he causes unimaginable damage in this. I was blown away when he made his entrance into the city. So fucking cool. But even saying all that the actual characters and story here are great. I actually care about what's actually happening.
  19. Over an hour into this and I'm SUPER impressed with the cgi. Godzilla looks real for once and the destruction is incredible. I like the build up with the main character.
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