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Everything posted by Best

  1. I laugh at her saying that every fuckin time. She deserves all the money in the world.
  2. Sweet. I'm about 75% sure I'm getting a quest 3 at this point.
  3. I just looked this up. That must be pretty crazy in VR. I'm new to all of this.
  4. Another example of delusion and jealousy of Caitlin Clark.
  5. I was going to comment on this earlier but yes it's freakin scary.
  6. PSVR was fine for me but I'm assuming with better resolution and a better fitting headset the Quest 3 will be very comfortable for me. Yea, RE7 in VR was tiresome for me after playing for an hour. This is much more advanced.
  7. I'd be sitting in my chair not standing up. I don't have good balance anymore and I'd definitely fall or destroy something. I'm still researching this but it must be extremely impressive.
  8. Golf is ok. But in vr I'm sure it's incredible. I'm more interested in sp story based games. I didn't realize Asgard's Wrath 2 is over 70 hours long. But the praise it got is amazing.
  9. Holy hell did he move for his size. That was awesome. RIP 🙏
  10. And I was going to buy you a headset today. Oh well.
  11. Are you busy with any game atm? I could hook you up with Ragnarok if you want to play it. I agree with you that Atreus is kinda annoying in 2018 but he is older in Ragnarok and much easier to deal with.
  12. I've only seen Kong: Skull Island. Hmm, maybe I'll just jump into Godzilla vs Kong just for the spectacle then. Reading reviews about 10 minutes ago they say the characters and story are kinda just filler compared to the battle sequences between the monsters. I'm not a big Godzilla fan overall so I might just jump in. Thanks for the breakdown though. I wouldn't think so. Minus One is one of the better movies I've seen in a long while. From right in the beginning I was hooked. I still can't get over just how great the effects were for a movie that had a 10 million dollar budget.
  13. @Biggie I hope you know I'm just playin around. You're my boy.
  14. Asgard's Wrath 2 got excellent reviews but they label it as a rougelite. Is it difficult?
  15. I just watched the review. I'm extremely interested now. I'm going to do my research on the games now since the vr itself is worth $500.
  16. Interesting...very interesting. 👌 I will do my research and see if I'm willing to buy this. My last vr experience was PSVR on PS4. What is the best sp type game?
  17. I still like you but spork is now my favorite. This change just recently. Block me.
  18. I know absolutely nothing about a quest 3. What all is required in the purchase?
  19. It's 20 hours long which imo a perfect length for an action adventure game. I can understand this. The sequel is more of the same with a bloated story so you might not like that either.
  20. What? I'm just stating facts. I still love you dearly.
  21. Wait. GOW 2018 is mid to you?
  22. He explained in the one post where he trashed you that he isn't worried about burn in on these OLED's. I'm not even sure where you got that theory. 😏
  23. Yea but it's his timing with the John Cena gif that is key.
  24. I can afford psvr2 but for those that have it, is it really worth it? Are there enough experiences that warrant a purchase? I specifically mean sp games that play in vr all the way through that are executed really well.
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