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Everything posted by Best

  1. Maybe later. Sport's games are my least favorite genre. Well that and fighting games.
  2. I had to buy the 512GB to get Asgard's Wrath 2 with it. If I buy Assassin’s Creed off the meta store does it give you a code to enter once I get my device?
  3. I'm fucking excited because I'm so new to VR. I just ordered it now!
  4. Fuck. @Spork3245 do you recommend me getting the 512GB?
  5. Ok. I'm buying it now. My two games I will play first are Assassin’s Creed and Asgard's Wrath 2. I will then look into more titles after that. I'm super hyped for this!
  6. I'm definitely getting Assassin’s Creed. The reviews are stellar.
  7. Ok. Well fortunately my setup has walking space. Did you ever play Moss book 2?
  8. @Spork3245 @Stickey Is it going to be ok if I play this entirely sitting down? I don't want to stand or workout.
  9. I'll close this up. It ended up as a tie. I'm glad I chose GOW because it's a straight 10/10.
  10. You must not been paying attention to the games board.
  11. Just use a big dose of fentanyl. Trust me, you won't regret it.
  12. Well I want to get 3 big games with my purchase. You made a huge lists so I'm going to use that now. Thanks a lot for doing that!
  13. My twin brother visits me in my dreams but I never talk to him. I usually have nightmares about a particular gross/scary alien tormenting me in my bed. I freeze in fear. It blows.
  14. I'm making a big purchase today so I'm gunna have to say no to this.
  15. I've been dead inside since 2017.
  16. Nothing has changed. I'm still chillin with retirement and don't work. I will make a big attempt before moving from here though.
  17. Ok. I've done enough research and will be buying a quest 3 later today. Please name your top 5 games you've played. @Spork3245 said Asgard's Wrath 2 come with the set. That is my most wanted game after watching reviews.
  18. Lol. I've already decided to get Chinese tonight. Been a minute since I've had it. I'm gunna get general tso chicken with pork fried rice. A pork egg roll and wonton soup. Then some crab rangoon. It will be a feast.
  19. Yea it's really bad right now. But Clark is extremely tough and mature and handles all of this with class.
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