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Everything posted by Best

  1. That I'm a hardcore butt pirate.
  2. This. I have stories to back up my other post but I honestly don't care enough to explain myself. I've been to numerous strip clubs numerous times. Fin.
  3. Lap dances can get interesting if you "connect" with the stripper. By "connecting" I don't mean handing over more money, either. Have*
  4. Where I went, there wasn't any off that garbage you mentioned. You have a very narrow minded view on a subject you know nothing about.
  5. Strip clubs were great in your 20s going with your buddies drinking. Had nothing to do with me being such a loser I couldn't get pussy for free, lol. The women I went to see entertained and were stunning!
  6. So I'm being told to play Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA for PS4! I want to beat Mario...
  7. Gunna beat Mario Odyssey.
  8. So...I started the game with Cyrus. "Technically" after I beat his story I have completed the game in a sense, correct? How long does it take to beat the story for one character? I'm just confused how the eight characters are being utilized. It seems there are 8 games in 1 here.
  9. Played the 3 hour demo and really enjoyed it. I'm on the fence if I should pay $60 for this game, though. I'm also a complete noob in jrpgs and I'm worried I will get too confused later on. Like sub jobs and figuring out who to use in my lineups etc. I'm confused in how this game is setup in general with all the characters.
  10. I may have reached this point and don't know what to do. I even watched a video walkthrough and I still couldn't figure it out!
  11. I agree with the puzzles being a bit tough thus far. One was pretty lame that I had to look it up. I was RIGHT there. I'm using headphones. It's cool to hear the voices etc. I'll beat it cause it's quality.
  12. Played for 2.5 hours. Disturbing and unpleasant are the words that come to mind. It's pretty interesting but very dark. I'll try and stick with it but it can be a challenge. Navigating is the puzzle at hand.
  13. Interested in your guys thoughts on this game? Worth playing and how long does it take to beat? I know @stepee is a big fan of this game but I need some fresh impressions.
  14. Great memories with that game with my brother.
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