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Everything posted by Best

  1. No idea. I'll just have to really search for it when I get back on. It's still charging.
  2. Yep. It just reads it needs installed on the quest but I'm not seeing where in my library it's located at.
  3. I cannot for the life of me find this in my library. I'm using both the app on my phone and the quest itself.
  4. Battery ran out extremely fast and I barely did anything on it. That is pretty disappointing. I was setting things up and finally got into VR fishing. I cast my reel but couldn't figure out how to do anything else. It looked nice sitting there by a lake fishing. But I'll he honest it didn't seem any better than PSVR 6 years ago. It’s still not nearly as clear as I wanted it to be. Maybe it's just VR fishing. Also, @Spork3245 or @Stickey I couldn't find theBlu: Season 1 in my library which when I bought it said it was saved in my library... There is way more to this than I initially thought. But with such a disappointing battery life you barely get any time to do anything. 😒 Also! I connected my headphones to the quest but the sound still comes out of the quest itself which isn't loud at all. How to I get that working?
  5. I got it. This is all so new to me so it will take me a while to figure everything out.
  6. It just doesn't want to pair with my headset. @Spork3245 @Stickey
  7. It keeps trying to pair my app to the headset and it just doesn't connect. "Looking for headset" with a wheel continuing to spin. This is in the mobile app.
  8. This is a simple question yet I'm not figuring it out. How do I restart the quest? I hit the power button and it gives me an option to power off or restart. How do I make a selection? My controller isn't available to use in that section.
  9. @Spork3245 @Stickey I got it. I was using an old password. I'm in now.
  10. It is unhidden. I'm on the phone with Comcast to make sure I'm putting in the correct password. Correct security setting?
  11. @Spork3245 I'm trying to connect to my wifi (it says I have an excellent connection) but when I put the password in it just keeps reading "connecting". Am I doing something wrong?
  12. Yea and being completely immersed in VR should be kinda revolutionary for me.
  13. I'm really looking forward to playing Asgard's Wrath 2. It's an open-world action RPG that is 60 hours long. The praise it's gotten is phenomenal.
  14. Captin Marvel and Freddy vs Jason. I watched a few of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies this week and wanted to see Freddy vs Jason. I'm really excited for tomorrow morning to try this shit out though.
  15. Ok I have you by 5 years. I just never got into it. This game however has potential.
  16. Vanna only made 3 million a year. But still...4 days a week for that kind of money is silly.
  17. Ok. Well I'll be at it all day so I'll get a few hours in at least.
  18. How old are you? I felt as though I was too old for them when they came out and I never got into them.
  19. I figured. How long does it take to charge up again?
  20. Yea, controllers have batteries. But yes, when I charged the headset it was an orange light which to me indicates its charging. I rather just wake up with a few cups of coffee and play with it all day long.
  21. Ok thanks a lot for the heads up. I'll open this up now and get it charged up.
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