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Everything posted by Best

  1. Played for about 30 min. I actually played really well and enjoyed myself.
  2. I plan on putting all my attention on beating Spider-Man and then going immediately back to DQXI. I'm thinking Spidey will take me 20 hours tops. Interesting mix of gamers in this thread.
  3. I ask this because I just bought Dragon Quest XI and I'm really enjoying it. As we all know, tomorrow Spider-Man hits and my focus will be on that. I don't think I can play two games like DQXI and Spidey at the same time. My tiny lil brain can only handle one game at a time. What type of gamer are you?
  4. She has to mow her lawn, damnit! @CastlevaniaNut18 Dragon Quest XI is fantastic, btw.
  5. So far, so good. 2 hours in and loved every second of it. The visuals are down right beautiful.
  6. I'm generally unhappy and life sucks horribly. Losing half your heart and soul will do that (identical twin brother passed away).
  7. Depends on the room and setup you racist!
  8. Playing MH world. I'm intimidated by this game because of what the reviews and impressions say about the learning curve but I'm doing my best to enjoy it. Extremely early on.
  9. The demo was confusing me last night. I couldn't just play a regular game? Forced to play streetball lol. I need to check it out again.
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