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Everything posted by Best

  1. His PC won't magically make it a good game, doe. I'm done even commenting on this. Thank God it's over with, lol.
  2. I just beat it. 6/10 There is major screen tearing throughout the game. Clipping issues. Platforming can be troublesome because of inconsistent controls and animations. The AI is litterally brain dead. The combat is very clumsy up close. The story was so average and predictable. I could go on and on. @stepee you've been warned!
  3. @kittykat is a loser, though. She has nothing better to do. It was only as matter of time.
  4. The fact you don't like Spider-Man AND TLOU makes anything you comment about null. Two of the best games I've ever played.
  5. I pictured you pulling a John McClain from Die Hard 1 crawling on broken glass. Glad everyone is ok.
  6. 30% into Tomb Raider. I'm speechless at the reviews it has gotten but I won't trash it anymore. I'll beat it cause I wasted money on it.
  7. Best

    God speed D1P

    I was obviously kidding above. Enjoy your vacation!
  8. Best

    God speed D1P

    Lol, I thought you were leaving the boards for good. One week is nothing. We won't miss you at all.
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