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Everything posted by Best

  1. I watched a little bit of Avatar: The Way of Water in 3D. I was in a movie theater with my created avatar. I joined an online session so other real people were in the theater with me watching. You can talk to them etc. Then I played more Red Matter 2 and this has the best visuals out of all my games. It's not action packed but it's so freakin immersive.
  2. Ok. I'm about to check out 3D movies on my device. I'll be in a movie theater too. It's amazing.
  3. I see. I can't help you out with that now. But maybe in a month. But I'm getting you NCAA.
  4. @Biggie My battery pack came at 7am so I got up and played more Asgard's Wrath 2. Then I played VR fishing which is complicated to understand. But I was sitting by a lake with a broken rod and it is extremely immersive.
  5. I cannot emphasize enough just how amazing Asgard's Wrath 2 is. Like watching clips on YouTube doesn't come close to what it's actually like when you are in VR. I tried a little bit of Ghost of Tabor and it's really cool. I was in a shooting range and when you pick up a pistol you have to also grab ammo and actually load your gun. It's just awesome.
  6. Yea the battery pack will be here sometime in the morning tomorrow.
  7. @Biggie Holy fuckin shit! Asgard's Wrath 2 is absolutely fucking stunning! I haven't been that blown away since seeing Mario 64 for the first time. It is something I cannot explain with words. The game itself is phenomenal let alone you are truly in the world. The weapons are so badass. I cannot wait to play more tomorrow. It ran out if battery so quickly.
  8. Lol you keep referencing that my parents need to be quiet. I wear headphones.
  9. Yea. I'm charging it now but all my games just downloaded. It's cool to check on the download progress through the mobile app.
  10. Yea I definitely prefer college over pro. Let's hope it turns out good.
  11. If NCAA gets "great" reviews (85 or higher on OC) I will probably buy it.
  12. Ok I was just going to ask you if you liked Forza Horizon. I thought that was incredible.
  13. Just pm me to remind me. Don't clutter up this thread with nonsense.
  14. I bought Ghost of Tabor but I refuse to play against other humans. It said you can play against AI and that's all I'll do. I'm typically not into shooters at all so I won't be buying anymore of them.
  15. @Stickey How do I watch 3D movies without having a desktop? I got YouTube vr and bigscreen apps but I'm not seeing how to see anything in 3D?
  16. Ok I'm going to buy that right now. I just looked into it and it looks dope. Yea, in Assassin’s Creed it blew me away just by walking up to a shelf and just picking up items and either looking at them, setting it back down, or throwing it. Did you ever play Asgard's Wrath 2?
  17. @Biggie Holy Mary mother of God. I finally played 2 games. Red Matter 2 and Assassin’s Creed. It is absolutely incredible. I didn't realize how much control you have in picking up items etc. It litteraly feels like you're in the game. So in Assassin’s Creed you litteraly use your sword like you would in real life. It's incredibly immersive. I cannot wait to try Asgard's Wrath 2 tomorrow. This was worth every penny I spent on it. Finally something that impressed me.
  18. Battery pack is being delivered tomorrow morning between 7am-11am.
  19. Holy shit. A $50 battery pack last up to 8 hours of play time. I'm definitely getting this.
  20. Oh...interesting. I did find theBlu: Season 1 in my app so I know where to look now once I put on the quest. I'll research battery packs now.
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