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Everything posted by Best

  1. Blake! What's good?
  2. She's an icon and a beautiful person inside and out.
  3. 37 hours into Dragon Quest 11. Fantastic game.
  4. So I take it you enjoyed it, lol. How long did it take you to 100% it?
  5. Thank you for that info. Did you beat it?
  6. What was your go to party? Also, how did you like the game? I'm 20 hours in and enjoying it a lot.
  7. Kinda shocking, imo. If it's TRUE I'm probably sticking with just the ps5 next gen. I barely used my xbox this gen. Sonys exclusives are outrageous.
  8. I don't recall. This was 2003 or so and I was high af on oxy.
  9. I had it done before. Can't lift certain weight etc. Recovery was fine. I was on heavy pain medication and beat ninja gaiden on xbox.
  10. Sucks. Like some of you mentioned, it's probably suicide.
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