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Everything posted by Best

  1. I just watched a review where they said the framerate isnt even something to worry about. I wonder if I'm dealing with a bunch of PC snobs in this thread...
  2. That sounds pretty fun. I may try that when I'm in a gaming drought.
  3. Na. I'm not into online stuff anymore. Plus I need a break from the game anyway. Time for Astral Chain.
  4. Beat the game! 48 hours but I did it. @Bloodporne
  5. Seems as though discussion around here about this game died instantly after release. How are you guys enjoying it?
  6. late into the 30's in missions and they are starting to repeat themselves? @Bloodporne is there an ending for act 2 or am I wasting my time now? Edit: I just read I should be skipping the repeat missions and focusing on side ops. That will open new missions which will allow me to beat the game.
  7. Finally! They weren't happy with the story and narrative. Overall 8/10 is good. Just a bit disappointed it didn't score higher.
  8. I don't know what to make of this game. I just have a bad feeling it's gunna be shitty.
  9. Well I played more tonight and I will beat the 2nd act. It's just so fun to play and I never get sick of it. If I switch to Astral Chain I'd never come back to MGSV. I have to stay focused!
  10. I'm getting a little burnt out with the game but I'm going to beat it.
  11. @Bloodporne I beat the main mission in MGSV. Credits rolled now I looked it up and see I have 19 more missions to go to beat act 2. I was ready to move on to Astral Chain lol.
  12. It's beautiful. Can't wait to play gears 5 on my X.
  13. Please continue to post impressions. I'm definitely interested in this. Need more user impressions and professional reviews.
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