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Everything posted by Best

  1. After the patches the enemies and your squads AI are still pretty bad. I have to get them moving in raids. Sometimes run back to them to get them to keep running further. The enemies will just stand there and watch you kill his buddy in combat, too. Still, very fun game and I'm enjoying it.
  2. I actually had a big gathering at my sisters last night. We didn't practice any covid protocol. I had a great time!
  3. I played Oculus Quest at my sisters tonight. I played Vader Immortal and it was cool. Clearer than PSVR and I was pretty impressed. How much better is Quest 2?
  4. Assassin's Creed Valhalla on Saturday. Christmas and stuff is ruining my gaming time.
  5. @stepee I just played Oculus Quest at my sisters. I played Vader Immortal and it was cool. Clearer than PSVR...
  6. Believe me I wasn't posting above for attention. I basically post at my breaks and was just being silly. We can just end this now, lol. I have nothing against you and always thought you were a good poster. Sorry if I annoyed you.
  7. I got the response I was looking for. You're easy to rattle. I understand the next gen versions and pc versions of Assassins Creed Valhalla looks and runs better than the Xbox onex. I was just messing with you. You attacking my mental health over this nonsense is comical.
  8. All I really can do to that post. We are talking about videogames and I was just teasing about the whole Xbox one x being superior etc. You are taking this way too personal.
  9. You said above you wanted his gf to come over to your house to make love. How is my comment worse than that!?
  10. Best


    38, buttfucker, Pennsylvania.
  11. I love the main theme during exploration. Beautiful music at times. Yea, I'm a graphics whore to an extent. I'm very pleased with the visuals in the game. I'm sure it runs and looks better on the xsx.
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