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Everything posted by Best

  1. If looks like you took a shit on a small pile of rice.
  2. Crimson desert looks really cool. I hope that turns out great.
  3. I'm just happy at least a few people with great rigs got to play Cyberpunk for the tech alone. I want to keep moving forward and get this gen going!
  4. Yea, ok. You're so far up Wade's ass you practically can call that friend's with benefits.
  5. Mack is way hotter than Kreuk and her being involved in a sex cult is the cherry on top.
  6. Yup. I've played all the greats from last gen, too. Last gen being ps4 etc.
  7. Red Dead Redemption 2. I played the best game this generation when the pandemic was at it's height with no vaccine in sight.
  8. NOTHING you can do. Like most said, just be there for him and keep an eye out for any troubling circumstances. I'm an alcoholic. The only person that got me to stop drinking was me. Andrea is dead on above.
  9. Posted that right when I got up. Still no excuse. I'm a fucking idiot.
  10. My job is tied into the USPS and I haven't noticed any difference.
  11. No it's because you're a pervert.
  12. Buy zzzquil or smoke weed. Or combined them like I do.
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