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Everything posted by Best

  1. That's very cool. I miss the days of visiting EB, funcoland, and babbages. Reading through magazines on upcoming games and playing any demos they had available. Those days are gone. Great memories as a kid/teenager.
  2. I don't thing they were in my area. Gamestop will have the same fate.
  3. I'd be interested in what ND is up too. Hopefully Forbidden West makes it out this year. That has so much potential. I'm not worried about GOW because that will be incredible. Let them take their time and use the next gen tech.
  4. Cool. I'm thinking late March early April I'll try and snag the ps5. Xsx? No idea but I want that, too!
  5. The more thinking I do about it the less excited I am. I barely used the psvr I own now. It's in a bag collecting dust in a closet. It was a big waste of money and I regret buying it. I bought it for my brother when he was in the hospital for cancer.
  6. One after work and that's it. I think I read somewhere that a healthy adult should poop 5 times a day...
  7. It depends really. I rarely cum these days but back when I was, it's just a legit stream that comes out. Obviously the longer you go without cumming the more cum you will shoot out. At least in my case.
  8. God covid sucks. I still want a ps5 pretty soon but has the drift issue with the controller been addressed?
  9. I'm not yech savvy enough for that. For God's sake, Netflix (in big red letters) was on my TV remote and I was asking on here or on discord how I can access Netflix. Jfc.
  10. Yup. Reminds me of the beginning of my state career. My building was attached to a mall so I'd go there for my hour lunches. I'd play my psp or watch movies on it. It was impressive at the time I guess.
  11. Sorry to hear about your hip. I already bought 2 65 inch OLEDS because of a moving accident. I can't buy another. Good luck!
  12. Never had or wanted a sex doll. I'd be curious to try one of the more advanced ones out. The government cleans my drug paraphernalia so I don't have to.
  13. Valhalla can be very vibrant and full of color. There's snowy regions but also beautiful landscapes that are lush. There's a good amount of things to do in the world, too. Odyssey was awesome but I think I prefer Valhalla overall. It's more focused and not as bloated.
  14. I've been training on a clamp truck now that I'm more on the floor and that type of shit keeps entering my mind. There's even a more disastrous vid/gif of a forklift taking down literally the entire warehouse. It's absolutely brutal.
  15. This game really has my interest. It looks awesome. I don't see it making it out this year though. I'm starting to really want a ps5 now.
  16. I make it a prison sentence. I choose to work my overtime. I have nothing better to do and no responsibility in my life. Might as well work and pay off debt.
  17. Jesus Christ. I have a PSP not a vita. It's been years since I touched that. Damn.
  18. A big majority of the people I work with are on their phone all day long. They get paid well, too. Working for the State you literally have to kill someone to get fired. That's after your 6 month probationary time. During those 6 months if you sneeze wrong they can fire you. Once you pass that, smooth sailing for 30+ yrs. I'm going on 14 yrs with the State March 19th. I'm 39 now so I'll have roughly 30yrs with the state and retire at 60.
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