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Everything posted by Best

  1. I'm waiting for Village and Ratchet before I even attempt to get one of these consoles.
  2. That's terrible news. I am not DYING to get this so I'm putting minimal effort in trying to get it. I'll wait late spring or basically when village comes out.
  3. I have secrets that will go to the grave with me.
  4. The reason I want an xsx is because I'd like to finish valhalla playing it at 60. I also bought Cyberpunk on my Xbox so I will eventually want to play that. The ps5 is more appealing to me but I can hold off for a little. I'm excited for Resident Evil Village which isn't too far off.
  5. I didn't know it took you a month to get the 3080. I take back what I said. I can't remember if the Switch was difficult for me to get. My memory is shit. Regardless, I understand your concern. My first move is to get the XSX then the PS5 later on. I will buy the switch pro, too.
  6. Dude...you got a ps5 at launch. You'll be fine with getting the switch.
  7. All I care about is PA legalizing marijuana so that prices drop dramatically with medical marijuana. Medical marijuana is expensive af.
  8. That would be dope as fuck. I'd be all over Nintendo's balls again if they pull that off this holiday.
  9. It will eventually come. No doubt. Sucks there isn't even rumors about it. Well then.
  10. Never played the dlc for BB. Maybe for the enhanced version on the new consoles I'll try it out. Is there a date for when BB is being re-released?
  11. Switch Pro and Botw 2 released on the same day.
  12. That sounds terrific. Like you said, the vr has to be so seamless, extremely comfortable "goggle size", and very user friendly for it to fully take off. I've read that quest 2 is making strides in that direction. I can't wait. 10 years sounds about right.
  13. No but I do only play 2 hours each gaming session. Unless it's a new release then it's a free for all. Off topic, I think the longest I've ever played a game was FFXI online with my bro. 8 hours straight with just bathroom breaks.
  14. I do hope she is ok. The hit was pretty hard so maybe she tweaked her neck or something. Oh well. I now drive another route to work. I'm not driving down to that hellhole again.
  15. I got a call from my insurance company claiming she was hurt in the accident. Such bullshit. She was completely fine at the accident and she said wasn't hurt and was ok. Whatever. I'm not calling that bitch lol.
  16. Beautiful setups in this thread. I'll eventually update mine.
  17. After doing some thinking I'm going to first get the xsx. Then ps5 probably this fall when there should be some nice releases by then.
  18. Beautifully done. Damn. @CastlevaniaNut18 that is incredible!
  19. In my 20's I played games for a challenge sometimes. These days I play my games on easy. I literally suck at playing videogames at my age. My response time is a joke.
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