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Everything posted by Best

  1. Best

    I'm rad

    You do seem like a rad dude. You're very intelligent and a great poster. I read your stuff lol.
  2. No. Because I went to my family doctor at 820am thinking I was sick. Didn't think I'd be in a hospital in 20 min from getting to the Dr. Office. I couldn't play games in here etc. I now have a really bad sore throat which they say is normal. Yep. The nurse was a pussy and never came back after I asked someone to get her. She then came in much later on and ignored it. Cnut is probably right. They aren't going to give me anything strong for the procedure I had done. It's 5am now so I'm hoping I don't have to long to go to get back home. To a regular bed, Elton, zzzquil, and marijuana lol.
  3. Good idea. Maybe I can fall asleep after all! 12:20 and wide awake. Yay!
  4. Yup. They are being reluctant to give me anything to sleep. I guess I won't sleep 2 nights in a row.
  5. I don't know how you do it. Some of the things you have mentioned in the past and now sound terrifying to deal with. We need people like you so continue the great work! As far as meds to give me for sleep... they gave me melatonin so basically nothing.
  6. Yup. I may be off 2 days so that's nice.
  7. Well I over heard them talking about pain meds but they never offered me anything. I guess I might have told them I don't need anything when I was still out of it. I'm just going to lay here and watch TV. Most likely won't sleep all night.
  8. It's 8:50 and I'm wide awake. I usually take zzzquil and a little marijuana before bed. I have none of that lol. They should just give me morphine and end this party the right way.
  9. Dude. That sounds awful and I NEVER heard of sticking gauze inside an open wound the way you explained it. Jfc. Glad that's over with for you. Wow.
  10. Very good news. I loved Botw so if this is more fun, awesome. Thanks for responding.
  11. Thank you! I just looked in the mirror and counted THREE scars. Wtf. It doesn't look great and in terrible areas.
  12. That's unfortunate to hear. I was going to play that next after valhalla. @stepee loved it if I recall. Ugh.
  13. Best

    I'm sad

    I want that in 2 weeks. They better deliver.
  14. Funny you say that. They showed me the scar and it's just underneath my belly button. It doesn't look bad. Oh well.
  15. Surgery was successful. I'm not in any pain so they haven't given me pain meds. I'm staying the night maybe 2. They said it was very close to bursting. Thanks guys for the posts.
  16. Thanks guys for the encouraging thoughts. Just got a cat scan.
  17. Do you remember how it went? Recovery etc?
  18. Yesterday I was in so much pain in my stomach I thought I was going to die. Had the chills, throwing up, and diarrhea. So I left work thinking maybe I had covid. At the dr this morning they said it's your appendix and you'll need surgery right away. So I'm at the ER waiting to be taken in. Anyone here deal with this? Is it going to be bad pain?
  19. I was forced out of my work today because I'm experiencing covid symptoms. Today I've thrown up, have diarrhea, my stomach feels REALLY sick, and I have the chills. I go to get checked up tomorrow morning. I feel like utter shit right now. Fuck.
  20. Good points but I'm not a fan of it. No doubt I will buy the newer versions in 3 years, though.
  21. There's no way I'd wait for a ps5 pro. I mean do we even know for sure that they will do mid cycle consoles this gen?
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