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Everything posted by Best

  1. No thanks. I'm aiming for the XSX first. Ps5 later on this year. Fall most likely. That sucks you have to send it in for repairs.
  2. lol I'm not even close to being racist. I've made immature comments on discord but the reality is I accept everyone for who they are. My work has a enormous amount of diversity with the people and I get a long with everyone. I treat everyone with the same respect regardless the color of their skin, sexual orientation, religious beliefs etc. It's perfectly fine with me if you guys think otherwise.
  3. I just don't see this year being able to walk into a store to buy either of these consoles. I'm shooting for an XSX when the Village comes out. I'll have to play the online game like everybody else.
  4. She wants me back to see if she can dig up any pedophile comments I may have made. Which is zero. Whatever gets her off.
  5. I didn't even know who Hailee Steinfeld was before she was 21-22. She's 24 now. You're full of shit. Keep trying to search.
  6. Just call it a day and call me a pedophile. Saves you a lot of work.
  7. I started reading "The Servant King" to help with my faith and life right now.
  8. 14 yrs old as a freshman. Turned 18 my senior year.
  9. God, playing with a new controller is beautiful. I like these new controllers. More grip and it feels nice.
  10. Underage girls are hot? Please show where I said that. Jesus. Thinking a 19yr old model is hot is not pedophilia, either.
  11. Thankfully I've never been abused. I was an alter boy, too. My sister was raped at 16 so that counts I guess. That was really tough on her and still is. From what I read and seen pedophiles don't change behavior regardless of the help they seek. It's a sickness. It's disgusting and sad all at the same time.
  12. The drifting continued to get worse and worse. It was a launch "project scorpion" edition. I bought an XSX controller and finally saw the xsx in person. Much smaller than I thought so its all good. I'm 7 hours in imortals.
  13. @stepee was enjoying my time with imortals until my controller started drifting. The puzzle sections where you have to move boxes and be very precise with controls. Well I keep falling off the ledge so I said fuck this! I'm off to bestbuy to buy another controller. Maybe an xsx will be there!
  14. Just bought a large vanilla latte from McDonald's with 3 espresso shots. Let's do this!
  15. In all honesty Vic is a stand up guy but I am pretty curious how lotion even got involved with a ps4. Whatever.
  16. I guess I'll fire imortals back up today. It's not fully grabbing but it's close.
  17. My honest to God question is simply this. How in the fuck did Vic "accidently" send lotion to a teenage boy? This is being severely overlooked. Plus he was gay. I mean yikes...
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