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Everything posted by Best

  1. It doesn't mean I'd date Kendall Jenner. We are speaking about adults, too. Not 18 and below. My ideal woman that I hope to find would be in her lower 30's so that having a child is still on the table.
  2. I think Kendall Jenner is hot. She was a professional model at 19 or so. Also, the 2 other women I dated off of match were in their 30's.
  3. I honestly never tried. Let me now. Believe me, I'm not taking any of this seriously. I'm struggling with life right now and this is just a distraction.
  4. She's an adult. I don't know how to change my icon. It's been this way for years.
  5. At least this is keeping me busy right now. Having a hard time falling asleep. No medical marijuana anymore. I will have a rough few nights with my body used to having marijuana help me sleep.
  6. That's so extremely untrue and unfair to say on a public forum. On match.com my cut off was 25. I dated 3 women off that which were all 27 yrs old and older. I have no sexual desire for teenage girls so please stop saying that. It's ridiculous and uncalled for.
  7. I'm not perfect like @Joe @RacheI. Andrea has said some cruel and racist shit on discord, too. She just likes to cause problems. Hence why I'll never return to discord. I will have to ignore her again. I thought we were getting somewhere.
  8. My personal opinion on Trump is I think he is a real pos. I voted in 2016 to see if he could actually make some changes. 2020 was because I thought Biden wasn't fit and can't actually run the country. Overall, it's what I felt right. Sorry guys.
  9. What can I say. I'm racist and a pedophile. I should be locked up tbh.
  10. ^^ If you voted for Trump you're a complete racist pos.
  11. I was surrounded and in the minority. It wasn't safe imo and it so happened they were black. That's all I'm saying on this ridiculous topic. I never comment on politics nor even care about it at this point. I have more important things I'm focusing on at the moment. If you guys think I'm racist thats your choice. I can't and won't say it anymore.
  12. All I can say is let's see how wonderful the next 4 years are.
  13. Yea, you can dig up the immature things I was once saying on discord which stopped completely. Keep up the good work.
  14. It wasn't the black people. It was the environment and being in a big crowd in a creepy place. I'm not good with crowds.
  15. You shouldn't criticize me for who I voted for.
  16. I need proof. Easy to say the things you're saying without anything to back it up.
  17. I can participate in any thread I'd like. Im respectful.
  18. I'm pretty positive and kind around here. There's nothing else you can try to come at me with. I have my opinions on you but keep that off the board.
  19. Cause I voted for Trump? I never bring politics into any conversation on these forums. You can think what you want.
  20. I know. I don't care, either. It's a personal choice that shouldn't really be discussed. I didn't think I would get hate for voting my preference. You don't know who I am. Based off posts on a message board. Ok...
  21. Ok. I'm a pedophile and a racist. Anything else lol?
  22. So the XSX controller I bought today isn't compatible with my One X charger. Isn't that some serious bullshit. Now I have to buy that tomorrow.
  23. That's your opinion. Let's see how the next 4 years go. I look forward to it.
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