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Everything posted by Best

  1. Had to cheat on a puzzle in Imortals fenyx rising. Very well done game, though. It's a mix of ass creed and botw but more fun.
  2. Panera has great soup and broccoli and cheese was my go to. I used to get 2 bowls with my meal.
  3. I'm Irish/German. My middle name is Patrick. I'm not going to do anything except my regular boring routine.
  4. I love RDR2 but I can't see myself playing through it 4 times. I beat it when it initially launched then recently beat it again. That's enough for me then I move on.
  5. Thanks for the recommendations. I will check them out and see if they grab my attention.
  6. I'm back using Netflix and all the shows I watched haven't had any other new seasons. What are you guys watching so I can get ideas for me to watch. I like almost anything really. Last night I watched a documentary on a basketball team and it was interesting but not hooking me. Thanks in advance.
  7. Yea that was a good one, too. I love the main theme from Valhalla when it just starts playing in a beautiful lush environment. But yea, I copied and pasted the story for Legend thinking he was wondering what the main story was about. I'm a pretty intelligent guy outside of the Internet. Oh well.
  8. Yep. @Greatoneshere When I first got my OLED a few years back I was curious about Netflix. I think I asked how I can access it and everybody said my fucking $3K tv.... I look down at the other remote I barely used (used another basic controller to turn my TV on and the inputs) and in big RED letters was "Netflix" as one of the button options. I felt stupid but it is what it is. I lost my tech savy back in high school when I used to make home movies with VHS. Like literal movies with cuts, music etc.
  9. Wow. Walked into a store and buying it. Who would have thought. Thanks for the link but I'm shooting for May to buy it.
  10. I'm absolutely not a pedophile in anyway. My voting should have remained with me and I shouldn't have commented on that at all. I'm also not racist but have said stupid shit in the past. Mostly immature joking on discord. I apologize for commenting on my voting posts. Anyway, yea, no worries dude I'm not a monster lol.
  11. I mean I'm hoping Sony is fully aware of these issues and are making changes to the newer consoles being released in the future. Is that possible?
  12. They can seek help but it is not easy to access. Most don't seek help because of the social stigma that will go against them. It's a mental illness that from what I read can't be fully rehabilitated. They feel stuck being attracted to children. I was doing more reading on this after I got off the forum last night. It sounds as though a majority are born with this so it's difficult to handle in so many ways. It's very serious and my sister never fully healed from her rape. She told me once about it one night when we were having very personal discussions. For me, there were definitely SERIOUSLY awkward moments being an alter boy. BUT, I think me always being really close by to my twin brother distrupted any plans the priest had for one of us. I grew up in a catholic school for 8 years. I'd LOVE to know how many priest's we had that were pedophiles. One got caught that was around my older brother. We never know if my older brother was abused. We think he was for numerous reasons. He was a cutter, lifted weights heavy early on (I think for protection) and other things that have been brought up in the past. Anyway. I can't sleep hence while I'm rambling but pedophiles suck and they ruin innocent lives.
  13. Yea, the small USB cord will NOT fit in the controller on the back. I looked at it very closely and it won't work. Like I said, I grabbed an XSX controller because that's all they had.
  14. Solid idea. My Old Xbox one x controller was a beast and I treated it well. Not sure how drifting became an issue.
  15. How old are you? I turned 39 in December.
  16. I never said I liked Trump. Drug issue? I'm just severely cutting back on medical marijuana is all. I'm on a few meds for depression, anxiety/panic attacks (suffered with this for 18 years now) and that's it.
  17. I'd probably eat it in a delicious salad like that. I'm really not a fruit person or into veggies which is terrible I know.
  18. If by attracted by a model who happened to be 19, sure technically you can say I'm attracted to a "teen". Does that make your night? I mean Jesus get over it. Any 30 something dude would admit if a 19 yr old model was hot. That isn't my target audience and you van think and say whatever the fuck you want.
  19. Grapefruit is one fruit i cannot stand. The bitterness is too much for me. They are great for you, though.
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