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Everything posted by Best

  1. Best

    biggie vs 2pac

    I always preferred biggie
  2. Good point. As long as they are also focusing on upgrading TLOU2 for the PS5 it's all good 👍
  3. I completely agree. The first half of the first one was a masterpiece imo then near halfway through it bogged down and lost it's focus. Still, a very memorable game.
  4. I'm disappointed that there won't be a sequel to Days Gone. I really enjoyed that game and with more polish the sequel would have been awesome. The TLOU remake makes NO sense. Why aren't they focused on upgrading TLOU2 for the PS5? Maybe they are but like a @Bloodporne said above, the remaster for TLOU was perfectly fine and still looks great today. What a waste of resources.
  5. I missed this some how. Extremely juvenile but it made me smirk this morning lol. Thank you.
  6. That comes off a bit harsh but ok. I know his current state is terrible though. You usually ignore all my post but decided to pick this one because I said I prayed I assume. Whatever. God bless you!
  7. Bioshock 1 was better. Infinite was better than part 2. Like you said, it was just ok imo. I agree, let's go back to Rapture this gen!
  8. Kinda off topic, but I got some pos really angry back in the original Xbox days. We were playing NBA 2K and XBL was very new at the time. Also, 2K didn't implement the timer for when you would pause and sub players out etc. So I was beating this guy pretty good and he started talking so much shit on me. This was a ranked game as well. So when I had enough of the asshole I paused the game and told him I'm going to the gym. He raged hard but I just left the game paused for hours and when I came back he quit and I got the win.
  9. @ShreddieMercuryRising I beat Wolfenstein Colossus this evening. Took 12 hours and overall I'd say I was pleased. The visuals, controls, characters, and story were all pretty damn good. It's definitely got high production values and I can't stress enough how amazing it looks for a 2017 game. I was a bit bored halfway through but it picked up and I really loved the ending! That was exactly how I wanted it to end. For a FPS, it's a quality title and thanks for the recommendation. As I mentioned before, the main flaw with the game is the enemy AI. I played on the normal difficulty setting and really didn't have much of a challenge. The enemies just run up to you with no strategy and I just blew them away. I'd sit in corners and they would just keep coming around the corner shooting like idiots right after seeing their good buddy die in front of them. Minus that, I had fun so that's all that matters. After I beat that I started back up on Valhalla and it reads I'm 40 hours into that. Coming back to it felt great and I love this game. However, Valhalla suffers from the same issue Colossus does. The enemy AI is brain dead and so are your allies. Can't win them all, I guess.
  10. It's definitely a game where you must have patience and also like to traverse in a beautiful setting. Not much action at all but just long beautiful journeys to multiple destinations. The visuals are outstanding! The story is cool with interesting characters.
  11. All I care about is that I hope Hideo Kojima is making another unique game like Death Stranding. I enjoyed the hell out of that even though the majority here hated it.
  12. Pretty much this. Good post. I'm about to start up Valhalla in a day or two and look forward to it.
  13. I literally laughed out loud about your pippen comment. He was such a pussy in that time period. He definitely got tougher mentally and physically after the piston days.
  14. Thank you. I still won't mention anything else just because it could come off as bragging. I'm just very thankful for a lot of things these days and being sober attributes to that. I'm proud of you for getting sober as well. I can see your life has accelerated in so many positive ways. At least that's how I'm seeing it through the forum.
  15. Stepee set everyone up. Well played.
  16. I've decided once I beat Wolfenstein Colossus (most likely tomorrow) I'm going back to Valhalla and will beat that. Then maybe try to snag an XSX for Re8 next month.
  17. Getting sober which is boring to everyone else. I have more but nobody cares.
  18. This got weird and very uncomfortable.
  19. What about the Bulls and Pistons grudge matches in the late 80s/early 90s? That shit was down right dirrty.
  20. You're really impressing me your knowledge of the NBA. Fantastic post and I agree with everything you said. Minus Reddick averaging 40 a game in the 80's. I understand your point, though. Good point. I'd put Wilt in my top 5. I've seen tons of footage from his HS, college, and NBA career and he would absolutely dominate even in today's game. He was an INCREDIBLE athlete for his size. Kareem is in my top 10 and his sky hook is still the greatest shot in NBA history. As for Russell, he was an excellent rebounder and defender and kept even Wilt in check. I'm not sure how he would fair in today's game, though. He paved the way for big men and is a legend for sure.
  21. Basically was going to say the same thing. I loved all 3 Mass Effects with number 2 as my favorite. This will be cool to revisit.
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