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Everything posted by Best

  1. I've stayed away from all footage of this game. I really hope it turns out great. I want it to be one of the first games I get on my xsx.
  2. Yea, I screwed up playing as Alexios in Odyssey. I read multiple times Kassandra was the best protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game. Hey, more power to you to keep playing more Assassin’s Creed. I hope you enjoy it as much as I am. Be sure to give it time before posting impressions.
  3. I think it was a combination of poor shooting and bullet sponge zombies. The zombies seem to take too many bullets to take down at its current state. Just my opinion 🤷
  4. I wouldn't but obviously that's up to you. I'd take a break from Creed. Did you read my response to your question about what makes Valhalla better than Odyssey?
  5. That's between you and her. No need to call me a cuck. Your responses in this thread have been insensitive.
  6. Hmm. That didn't look "next gen" to me at all. The video isn't the best quality but that didn't impress me. We shall see. 15 days until release.
  7. As usual, Andrea provides valuable information. Cnut, as well. I didn't know some of the things explained in here so thank you. On a side note: One big lesson Andrea gave me was to be kind to yourself. I've taken that seriously and it has improved my well being overall. Everyone should listen to what she says!
  8. This is a good thread. Some laughs but also good information in it as well. Well done @Brick
  9. Pretty much this. I've used condoms in the past for "interesting" scenarios i put myself in but other than those moments, I'm always condom free. I have been in scenarios like this, as well. But the women I have been with were usually on birth control so I'd bust inside them all the time. So overall, fuck condoms.
  10. Not much improvement visually from the originals tbh. I mean I see the changes but it's not significant at all. It's the gameplay tweaks I'm interested to hear about. I miss those games. Great memories.
  11. How couldn't it get a decent reception on Xbox? It's on friggin gamepass! People will get gamepass for this game alone to add to the already millions of subscribers. Xbox kicked Sony in the balls hard with this move.
  12. I agree. The few they have is all I need.
  13. I installed it but to hear additional sounds it cost $2.45 or something. The rain sounded great so I can just use that. Thanks 😊
  14. Saw that in the theaters. It was "solid" if I remember correctly. It was still when M. Night Shyamalan wasn't out of his mind quite yet.
  15. I use white noise to get me to sleep. I listen to rain and it calms my body and mind down. Then I get really sleepy and turn off the rain and sleep like a sweet babe.👶
  16. Well for one, it's not nearly as congested in terms of side quests. The map is smaller but still has plenty of optional activities to take part in but not overally saturated like Odyssey. The story is more focused and the characters and Eivor are more interesting than I found in Odyssey. However, I haven't played Odyssey in 3 years and I also played as Alexios and not as Kassandra who I hear was a fantastic character. So I forget some things. There is also no grinding required to progress the story. In Odyssey, I was forced to do lots of side quests to get to a a certain level to continue on with the main storyline. The quests in Valhalla are very organized and not nearly as bloated like Odyssey. I recall just an over abundance of quests in Odyssey that it became extremely overwhelming. In Valhalla, they did an excellent job in condensing quests and made it more reasonable to tackle the main storyline. In general, Valhalla is much more organized, not an overwhelming amount of quests, and a reasonable size map that for the most part that doesn't require you to use a boat to reach. It's just a better made game imo. I also vastly prefer the environment (England) compared to Odyssey. It's so beautiful and relaxing to explore the world. As far as combat, I think Valhalla is improved over Odyssey but it still has a few issues. Like I said though, it's been 3 years since I played Odyssey so I'm forgetting things I disliked I'm sure. Also, yes, after beating Odyssey take a BIG break form the franchise and play smaller scaled games. Oh, and the enemy and friendly AI are pretty bad in Valhalla. I can't remember how that was in Odyssey. I have gotten used to it and usually have a good laugh on occasions. Odyssey is still a very cool game and I put serious amount of time with it. This is just my opinion so what the hell do I know, right?
  17. The further along I get with Valhalla the more I'm liking it which is surprising me. I'd thought I'd get bored of it's mission structure etc....but nope. Plus, as I said before, some the scenery in this game is down right gorgeous. I love Eivor as the protagonist and the combat is always fun. I love using my bow an arrow. Anyone who hasn't played this do yourself a favor and play it! Best Assassin's Creed game yet.
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