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Everything posted by Best

  1. Any porn that I've seen with anal involved I never once saw any signs of shit. Ever. They were extremely clean.
  2. That's awesome! Thanks for the heads up. Brings back amazing memories.
  3. Halo 3 had my absolute favorite online mp. The campaign was fun, too.
  4. He's a good boy! Just look at that sweet innocent creature 😍
  5. I just remember having EVERYTHING He-Man. I had castle castle gray skull, snake mountain, and basically every character in the series. My twin brother and I absolutely loved that back in the 80's. I never heard some of these cartoons from the 80's so this is a good thread.
  6. Yep. It takes preparation for the porn industry. They clean their systems out completely before anal. I've never been interested in anal sex but it's not something I frown upon. Stepee made a great point, too.
  7. Haha! πŸ˜„ I literally laughed out loud on that. Much appreciated.
  8. I think after this thread my next game to play is Okami HD.
  9. It sure did! Now I just need the hardware to really see my TV shine. Although, I was just playing Valhalla on my one x and it looks so good on my tv. I can't imagine once I get deep into this gen.
  10. Yea, I snagged the C9 after my C8 got busted while moving. That's terrific news all around. Thank you.
  11. I didn't mind that film. It's been years but I liked it more than the reviews suggested.
  12. Wow. Forgot about that game. I imported the Japanese version using some sort of emulator on the N64 back in high school. It wasn't out in the states yet. Great memories and I enjoyed that game. You're correct...it's weird in a good way.
  13. Immortals Fenyx Rising is a Zelda wannabe to some degrees. It's a mixture of Assassin's Creed and BOTW. After 13 hours with it I dropped it like a hot potato. It's not a great game, imo. I never played Okami HD What platform can I play that on?
  14. $70 is brutal so my gaming purchases for the new consoles will be very selective. Gamepass is beautiful and I will wait for price drops more so then ever. Now if it's a AAA title that I need to play right away they'll get my hard earned $70.
  15. Sorry if this is a stupid question. I own the same TV as Legend and was wondering if I'll be able to play next gen games at 120fps? That is, the few games that actually run at 120.
  16. Yea, it's a conflicting thought because being an uncle at 9yrs old and having 12 nephew's and nieces I really saw how much work/trouble they can be. Maybe if I have my own I'd view the entire thing differently. It's just what I'm thinking and who knows where my life will lead me. This is something I'm thinking about doing in a few years. I was once a pc gamer and would mod games etc. I really enjoyed it and steam is great. I'll be sure I meet someone that is pro birth control and has similar views that I do. But like I said, this isn't happening anytime soon. I'm still working on myself and trying to improve each day as a person.
  17. I never joked while having sex. I laughed one time when I was doing a girl doggy style at the end of my bed. She quiefed really loud and we both starting laughing hard and she fell off the bed and hit her head on my weight bench.
  18. This is one of the better posts I've read in a while πŸ˜†
  19. Best


    I don't hate anymore. I just love πŸ’˜
  20. When I eventually get into a relationship again I'm going to be sure she's on birth control and will most likely just pull out. I refuse to wear a condom. My mind has changed on family and having children. I think I do want to have kids but it has to happen pretty soon. I'm 39 so time is ticking. We shall see how things workout.
  21. If you meant I literally paused the movie I was in the theaters with that reaction. Plus, yes, the water thing was really stupid. Why would aliens that are obviously smarter than humans because they came to us, travel to a planet that is 71% water πŸ’§ πŸ™„ and that substance can kill them. I overall have a good memory with the film. Saw it on release night with good company. Mel Gibson was great, too. Edit: If I sound like an idiot in this post please tell me. I JUST woke up and have a gigantic turtle head going. I'm rushing my response πŸ˜†
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