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Everything posted by Best

  1. Haha! You're correct for the most part. I want to trade in my Nintendo Switch, PS4 Pro, and Xbox One X to basically pay nothing at gamestop. I don't want to do that now after thinking about it. I will this Fall for sure. Then buy the PS5 straight up. I'll be part of this new gen with both consoles by November.
  2. First, happy birthday! 🎂 Secondly, very cool painting and your friend is talented.
  3. I mean the majority of the time biggie is just joking around. You have to know his style and just don't take what he says too seriously. Don't get me wrong, there are times when he's insensitive but overall I like him a lot and he makes me laugh on the daily. He's a very good guy at heart and I enjoy his posts. I can understand how others are offended by him but I'm not one.
  4. I apologize if this was mentioned but I also liked Tranzor Z as a kid in the 80's as well. It was similar to Voltron and I loved it! I would make my older brother draw pictures from the show because he was an incredible artist.
  5. I'd like impressions on how it looks and runs on the xsx and ps5. Like I mentioned earlier, from the YouTube vid I watched of it running on the xsx it looked really impressive. But thats not even close to the quality peeps will see on their TVs at 4k.
  6. I can get 4k at 30fps which I'm completely fine with. Plus, from the demo impressions it's not sounding like this game is going to be great. I didn't watch the new hands on impressions posted above because I don't want to spoil anything. How are the impressions since they played for 5 hours or so? Yea, the PS5 is going to start rolling but again, those games don't make me jump up in joy to buy a ps5 now. I'll wait this Fall for Horizon 2 plus anything else released at that time. I thought RE8 was going to be a truly next gen title a while back. I wanted an xsx for this game but knowing what I know now, imo I don't need an xsx to enjoy this game. It'll look great on my one x and hopefully run ok. Again, I appreciate the heads up though.
  7. Please explain why, though. I can get 60fps on my one x. After the village there is nothing coming out anytime soon. I'm thinking I'm going to wait until this fall or even later to jump into next gen now. I'm completely content with all the consoles I have and I have plenty if games to play. I'm in no rush at all. This gen hasn't even started yet imo.
  8. Believe me, not only are the higher ups aware of how disgusting this guy is, but everyone in the building is aware too. He already has a paper trail and lol at educating this pos. I will refrain from saying anything else about him. It's over with and I know he was shocked and embarrassed when I reacted to the video. He'll never change.
  9. See above. As in how it will ACTUALLY run I'm hearing not so good on the last gen consoles. Well according to @stepee We shall see. I'm hoping it plays well on my One X.
  10. I got you on the last thread you made about MLB 21. This post made me laugh!
  11. He's been written up over racists comments to African American employees, arguing inappropriately with management, and offensive photos from his phone etc. Nothing ever happens except that the write-ups go into his file for 2 years. If you work for the state it's extremely difficult to get fired. However, if I told them the video he showed me ontop of the write-ups he already has he would have gotten into big trouble. Fired? Probably not but I'm not sure. I used to talk to him a lot because he worked under me and one thing I do know is he loves his wife and daughter. He's a complete asshole at work but I feel confident he treats them well. I've over heard many conversations he's had with his wife and we would speak about how he and his daughter have a great relationship fixing cars. He just bought his daughter a car for her 18 birthday. Obviously I could be wrong and he could treat them like utter shit when he's actually home. But I didn't want to take things further than I did because if he did get fired that would have been terrible for his wife and daughter. His wife doesn't work because she has severe fibromyalgia. Anyhoo, we keep our distance now and all is good. I have great people under me now.
  12. Yes, sir. I've stayed away from all footage and now have to determine which console I'm playing it on.
  13. I enjoyed it for about 13 hours then quit. It didn't keep my interest and the puzzles were repetitive and sometimes downright confusing. I'm glad you're enjoying it and maybe you'll stick with it. It's a poor man's Assassin's Creed mixed with BOTW.
  14. I'm not sure what the gif is indicating. I literally had my hand on the dog as it took its last breath. It's extremely heart breaking.
  15. Since becoming a supervisor a few years ago and the stress that brings, I have more grey hair in my hair and facial hair. The pandemic hasn't helped either. My skin in my face is looking healthy though because I eat very healthy and drink tons of water.
  16. Yea, my parents had my brother and I at 42yrs old. They are both 81yrs old so time is not on their side. I cherish every moment with them but I feel the way you do. I wish they had me at a much younger age. Thankfully they're both very healthy but they're fucking old. So it makes me 😥
  17. He's been written up on multiple occasions. I didn't but I could have had him fired easily. He has a family and I didn't want to completely fuck him over. I just stay away from him and he does the same now.
  18. Speaking of scat. One of my co-workers thought it would be a good idea to show me a video of about 7 girls all shitting on each other. I was caught completely off guard and told him to never show me "shit" like that ever again. I'm a supervisor too. He's so twisted and fucked up I couldn't even to begin to explain this guy. And no, he isn't a little person with one leg.
  19. What did you think? My impressions are based from memories years ago.
  20. Aww. Yea, seeing pets go is just awful. I've put down 3 in my life time and it's sad because to me they're so beautiful and innocent. Feeling their last breath is not fun.
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