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Everything posted by Best

  1. Pretty much. It's kinda upsetting how this turned out. First really cool ps5 exclusive and they done fucked up. Who wants to play a game that brutally difficult? Jesus.
  2. I want to make it clear, the majority of my poops are just fine. But sometimes with my strict diet I can get backed up. It's not fun but no usual, either. I obviously know that having a great bowel movement can feel really great. Especially if you had one like I did last year or so that clogged the entire sewer line in my parents apartment complex.
  3. Thanks for the heads up. Never heard of this but I like what you explained.
  4. Thank you @Pikachu for updating your original thread. I didn't do a search on this before creating the thread so thank you for seamlessly incorporating my thread into yours. I think it looks awesome.
  5. I didn't read any reviews just quotes. I had know idea this game was going to be that difficult. As I age my gaming skills have diminished greatly to the point I mostly play games on easy. If this doesn't even have difficulty settings that has me worried. However, if the game is fantastic I'm willing to take on the challenge like I did with Bloodborne a few years back. I never played the Souls games for the very reason of being intimidated by the difficulty. When I eventually get a ps5 I'll probably still give this game a shot because it looks really cool. I just hope I'm not overwhelmed and can't finish it because they didn't incorporate difficulty settings. Maybe if there is enough complaints they will patch difficulty settings in.
  6. Being constipated badly is probably close to the first insertion of anal sex.
  7. Interesting is the word I'll use. It looks completely badass but how much legs will it have? Take a look at the trailer which explains everything.
  8. Thank you for explaining this. The combat does have me worried but I know I'll love the story, characters, world, and most importantly, the music. I'm going to have to read up on this to make a decision.
  9. Through* Also, @sblfilmstoo! From the little I know of him, he could buy the entire board a ps5.
  10. I'll end up watching this but like wade said a while back. I've seen enough of Joel and ellie so I hope they utilize other characters etc. It could be pretty cool but certainly not original. We all have seen this movie before.
  11. I actually have had the same exact thought. Shitting is pretty disgusting imo and a pain the ass. Pun intended.
  12. Well I thought you played the original. I think I'll wait on this, too. I'm guessing it'll run ok on the Xbox one x. Sounds good, though. Now I'm reading it only released in Japan. I'm all confused up in hurr.
  13. That looked pretty beautiful but extremely odd at the same time. I'm not sure about this AT ALL.
  14. Nope, I don't get vegan protein shakes so I'm guilty as charged. I'm not attempting to be vegan it's just how my diet turned out since losing weight. A lot of salads and fruit etc. Tons of water, too.
  15. Watched this. As I suspected, this game doesn't take advantage of the new machines. It runs a bit better on the newer consoles but not fully taking advantage of the power at hand. Oh well. This gen is so early on I guess this is what to expect. I'm glad to hear the actual game is fairly good.
  16. I used to use charmin toilet paper which felt really nice but it started clogging my toilet. So now I buy a cheaper quality and it's not exactly comfortable on my butthole.
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