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Everything posted by Best

  1. Automata is imo, a masterpiece. From the combat, characters, story/stories, game world, and soundtrack. It took me a while to get myself acclimated with it but after I understood the game I was hooked. I beat every playthrough.
  2. Didn't like the trailer. I'll pass on that. Extremely odd, too.
  3. I got you. Sorry to hear about getting disconnected. That would piss me the hell off, too. Thanks for the response because I do want to try it out for sure. That blows about your character inventory bug. I'll play this so so disconnects shouldn't be a problem for me.
  4. This game was very unique but I lost interest a few hours in. Maybe one day I'll go back to it because those who beat it regard it as a masterpiece.
  5. I kinda forgot about this game. You guys went silent for a little bit but I want to give this a shot after I beat Valhalla. I've been taking a small break from gaming in general but will be back soon enough.
  6. Well the reviews are glowing. Looks like you guys are in for quite the ride! I'm jealous 😫
  7. Looks pretty badass. Statham is great and he looks as though he is going to be extremely brutal in this.
  8. I cheated last night and had mozzarella sticks and pizza 🍕 It was divine ✨
  9. I was a senior in hs when the dreamcast launched. I remember my brother, myself, and another friend skipped 6 days of school in a row just binging on DC. I have such amazing memories with that console. Like it was said above, it died way too quickly. Just playing phantasy star online was an extremely memorable moment for me because that was the first time I played an online game. Then there was importing the Japanese version of Shenmue a year before the American release on my molded DC. I could go on... Great, great console.
  10. Pretty much this. If they pull it off and it's gamepass day one, yikes. Add Halo and Microsoft is lookin pretty damn good. Sony is looking good, too. I think both companies are on a great trajectory.
  11. Didn’t know that. My God is gamepass the shit lol 😆
  12. Ok, then yea, go for the 9. I'm almost 100% positive there is no difference between the 9 and 10. If there is, it's extremely negligible. I went from a 6 to a 9. That's what I plan on doing again.
  13. I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this thread but this particular post is down right excellent. 👌
  14. Well there you go. I'd get the 10 with no hesitation. It can be pricey though. I think I pay $108 a month for my phone and services.
  15. I didn't realize you had a condition. Well I wish you the best of luck with that. I just shit about an hour ago and it cleaned out my entire system. Feels good and I usually poop after work. This was a surprise but I ate oatmeal last night that reads on the box "extra fiber" so that must have done it.
  16. You seem to have a lot of pooping issues. Have you ever seen a doctor about it? What does your diet consist of?
  17. I went to bestbuy originally to buy the samsung galaxy s10 plus but they were sold out. So I bought the 9 plus instead and it's a beautiful phone. I have had no issues with it and the picture quality is fantastic. Both in taking pics and watching Netflix/YouTube etc. This was before the S21 was released. I would have tried to grab that. For now. I'm fully satisfied with the 9 and will be for a while.
  18. This is fantastic news all around! Thanks for the spoiler free impressions/reviews and if I had a PS5 I'd be really hyped right now. I can't wait until tomorrow to read all the reviews.
  19. On my mobile it was like Chris explained. But my phone is being weird on this site in general. I have a Galaxy 9 plus so it shouldn't have read the way it did. My phone is pretty big. Overall, I agree with you, it wasn't that clever but a decent effort.
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