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Everything posted by Best

  1. Glad you guys are enjoying the challenge. Seems like it's frustrating yet very fun.
  2. Ok. I was kinda confused in what this genre was about I guess. Thank you guys for clearing it up. Sounds cool and nice work getting through one run.
  3. "it's a AAA project - large medieval-esque world with dragons" That's what I like to hear. That's my jam right there.
  4. Happy Birthday old man. Drink more than one beer, though. You're too responsible.
  5. Yea I'm with you on this as well. I prefer the 3rd person view for RE games. For VR it was cool but other than that, no. In fact, I'm disliking anything in first person these days.
  6. I'm so confused. How did JP even think he beat the game in less than 4 hours? Was the story that short? Were there credits? I'm so confused and sad at the same time.
  7. Ok I needed this tonight. That was funny shit.
  8. You would be correct. That looks absolutely disgusting in every way.
  9. I was honestly joking. I respect wuts privacy concerns. I know you don't care about that stuff.
  10. I agree about the second playthrough being nearly identical to the first. You make solid points above.
  11. I'll eventually play it next year when it's updated on the new consoles. I'm assuming they're still trying to accomplish that?
  12. Sucks hearing about the game crashing. Also, falling off ledges that aren't easily seen due to the camera sounds shitty. I hope to read more impressions in here after you guys put in quality time with it. Off to a rough start.
  13. You have my number, too. You never text me though because you don't want me to have your number.
  14. Pretty much how I can feel after an entire pizza.
  15. I'm a germophope so I don't leave food sitting out at all. I eat then if I don't finish it it's thrown out. If I order pizza I eat the entire pizza in one sitting. I don't waste food often.
  16. I barely recall the username but we could always have more users active.
  17. Just imagine games when we hit the mid gen cycle and beyond. We'll laugh at games like Ratchet. Maybe not because of the art style but you know what I mean. Games last gen got significantly better looking as the gen went on. I cannot wait to see what's coming.
  18. Yes, I dropped it 4 hours in and started up other games. Then I hit a drought and decided to give it another shot. Plus I felt guilty you bought me the game and I only gave it 4 hours of play time. But yes, my second time playing it I let everything sink in and I was patient with it. Then I learned how great it was.
  19. After reading a lot of reviews, yes, I would be intimidated playing this. But if it's as good as they say, I'd be up for the challenge and learn to "git gud". I can eventually master a difficult game after a while but the game has to captivate me in order for me to keep pushing through the challenge. Returnal seems like it's good enough to fight through the challenge and fully enjoy the entire experience in brings. Don't be a bunch of pussies and pass on this game at launch. Cowboy the fuck up!
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