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Everything posted by Best

  1. Well by the time I get a ps5 this game will be cheap. I understand your point but xbob pointed out above that they can easily get away with charging $70 for games like this because it's only the very few exclusive PS5 games available. People will bite hard for a new experience right now.
  2. I agree. We won't start seeing truly incredible tech for a few years. After the mid gen cycle consoles come out that's when we'll start seeing mind blowing shit. Also, yes, destructible environments should be utilized much more as this gen moves forward. I just have to be patient. 😌
  3. Played 4.5 hours of Valhalla today. Game is terrific for the most part. But I can't emphasize enough how poor the enemy and friendly AI is. I hope this gen they scale the games back and really focus on the AI in every way. Make a smaller game with incredible detail and amazing AI. I'm 58 hours in and still have a long ways to go. What's been cool is that I've been in the north for a while and the snow effects are awesome and the the cities are beautiful and very impressive. I like Eivor, too. @Phaseknox are you still playing Valhalla?
  4. I feel the same in everything you said. I despise him so much.
  5. Best

    Penis poll

    @stepee how big is yours? I know it's big but never got the dimensions.
  6. Just by observing his eye movement i know for a fact that man enjoys 🍔
  7. I honestly can't even remember if I played this game or not. I was hoping I replied in this thread when it was initially made. My memory as of late is really terrible. Almost to the point in being concerned. 😟
  8. Do you mean ps4 gen games? I honestly want next gen to take off and I always dislike how the new gen gets tangled up with the last gen for at least 2 years. Imo, it prevents the new gen to truly shine because they're always trying to optimize the games for last gen consoles too. Obviously it makes sense financially but I'm a selfish pos.
  9. Good, job. I'm trying my hardest to beat Valhalla and I'm roughly over 50 hours in. I now just want to beat the "campaign" and get ready for RE V8. I hope I have enough time, lol.
  10. Took a break from gaming. I'm actually off today so I'm going to fire valhalla back up.
  11. I live 2 hours away. I've only been there for basketball tournaments and the place is a shit hole.
  12. Best

    Penis poll

    Always smaller from the porn I used to watch. I took porn out of my life now for many reasons. I'm very average but never had any complaints.
  13. You jealous pos! I'm only kidding and good post. Ok, so: Sorry to even question you, my Lord. And then we have good ole xbob! haha
  14. I thought the demos sucked dick with terrible performance issues? I wouldn't waste my time if I were you. Just wait for digital foundry to hook you up with your question.
  15. Are you really skilled in gaming? I'm asking seriously and you are more than welcome to brag. It seems you're the only one "beating" it through a few runs. For instance, how are you with the Souls series?
  16. Can't get any idea of how it will look from those tiny pics. I'm sure it'll look pretty damn impressive though.
  17. Jets draft two different players named Michael Carter in 2021 NFL draft lul. Odds are pretty crazy.
  18. That's good it hasn't been frustrating. Just a challenging game that requires skill and strategy it seems. 👍
  19. Good observation. I'll still play and hopefully love 8 but I hope it runs ok for me on my Xbox one x.
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