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Everything posted by Best

  1. I wish they would make it close to competing with the xsx and ps5 but I'm pretty positive that would cost too much? If they can make it equivalent to the Xbox One X and PS4 that would be pretty cool. Either way, I'll be buying this whenever it's released. I say next Fall.
  2. Ok, good. I'd like to play the game on the normal difficulty setting to give me a little challenge.
  3. Best

    Penis poll

    lol that made me laugh you sick fuck.
  4. Interestingly enough, I had severe drift issues with my Xbox one x controller with the same game. I was forced to buy a xsx controller. But do yourself a favor and stop playing that game.
  5. I played this game while I was drinking so I don't recall much now. I remember it looking very nice on my one x. That's awesome it's getting some love on the new consoles.
  6. I just can't look forward to playing as a rat in a videogame. Or whatever the fuck that thing is. The entire game seems so fucking weird.
  7. Great reviews. I'm excited to play it whenever I'm finished with Valhalla. So probably early next year.
  8. I'd love to smoke what ever Nintendo is.
  9. If I'd have to guess I'm pretty sure we're not the only living beings in the universe. Just a guess, though.
  10. I see. Well hopefully you're ok financially and are enjoying your free time. Watch all the movies you want! I enjoy reading your mini impressions/reviews on the movies you watch.
  11. Maybe it will be ironed out by the time I get to it. I still have many hours left in Valhalla and then I have to play Village.
  12. @Fizzzzle how do you have enough time to watch all these movies? It seems you watch 3 a day.
  13. Best

    Penis poll

    I was agreeing with you..... Edit: I changed what I said. I could see it being confusing.
  14. I got to a location in Valhalla that is similar to the Shire in LOTR. It's pretty beautiful and the homes are kinda underground like the shire, too. I'm actually stuck in a situation where I don't know what to do. It pissed me off so I turned it off for the evening.
  15. That company completely fell apart. I am actually shocked what has happened over the last year tbh.
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