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Everything posted by Best

  1. Yea. I fired it up after work and played 3 hours. I am pretty impressed. The visuals on the Xbox one x are beautiful and I decided to go with higher resolution with 30fps. I thought the game started out pretty damn creepy, imo. The shooting mechanics are a bit sloppy as @Keyser_Soze warned me but you adjust. The characters and brutality even early on are great. I'm in the Castle now and stopped there. Overall, it's better than what I was expecting. @stepee I did laugh about the sprite wheat fields and even some tree limbs but overall the game looks pretty damn stunning. I think you should play it. I'm positive it's time survived because I didn't kill any enemies just ran around until the cutscene triggered.
  2. Ok. I'll obviously test it out. My TV is really nice and the picture is stunning so I'd like to play it at it's highest resolution but if 30 will ruin my game experience I'll go 1080p/60. I just hope I want to play after work.
  3. I haven't played yet. I hope to start tonight but I've been tired from work. Thanks for the impressions, guys. Seems like I'm going to have fun with this one. I'm not sure if I'll run it at 1080p/60fps on my one x or go with the higher resolution at 30fps. I'm so used to 30 and I'd rather run it at a higher resolution on my TV.
  4. My favorite game of last gen in all of it's glory on the pc. Best gaming world ever created imo.
  5. Yea but the impressions and reviews of the final game are very good. It be a great game for you to see great RT too.
  6. I'd wouldn't let a demo ruin an opportunity to play this game. I say play the full game and join us!
  7. Hmm. Maybe I'll try hardcore then. I do want some challenge and feel a sense of danger. Yea I'm gunna play on hardcore then. Or maybe "hard". Love reading this. I can't wait.
  8. It's sounds like after a rough beginning it takes off. Glad to hear that. I'll just play on the normal difficulty because I suck at games.
  9. I have it downloaded ready to play this evening. I'll read the impressions posted during my break.
  10. I like it, yes. Last time I played Yakuza I was drinking and wasn't fully invested in it. I remember liking it though. It was Yakuza 0. This looks great imo.
  11. Nope, you're not. Your a cool dude who happens to be very knowledgeable with gaming and computer graphic cards etc. I may one day be back into all of that so I may learn about it.
  12. BTW - I chose to relax tonight and get to bed early. I'll play it tomorrow for sure. Looking forward to it.
  13. I really should get vaccinated. The main reason I haven't is because I'm being lazy about it. I'm also a little concerned about the side effects but mostly I'm just lazy after work.
  14. I know. A man can dream, though. Overall I get your point but a lot of what you said went over my head. I'm clueless on video cards and computers in general these days. 10-12 years ago I was a pc gamer. Since then I've been strictly console. Thanks for the breakdown, though. @stepee understands everything you said lol
  15. I'll have to watch it then. You have great reviews, too. I trust your opinion and you're very intelligent like Fizzzzle.
  16. Yea because the story is extremely simple and the characters are very memorable. So it's easy to take big breaks from it and then get right back into the groove. I'm officially going to start up RE8. In a half hour it will be a 12 hour day for me so I'm feeling tired. So if I get home and don't feel like gaming I'll start tomorrow.
  17. I never saw Ant-Man and according to your review scale, a 6 is pretty solid. I may have to check this out.
  18. Fuck. I think I might bite and play this when I get home from work. I usually like to complete the game I'm currently playing then move on to a new game. It reduces backlog, too. But Valhalla is so massive and a very easy game to come back to so I think I'm going to start up RE8 tonight!
  19. Ok, that sounds good to me. A combo of RE4 and RE7 sounds 👌 Ok, I must have missed where you said you weren't playing it. I hope to at least tolerate the combat and enjoy the atmosphere and story. The reviews are good but that doesn't seem to mean much these days. I won't be playing this for a little while. Like I said, I have to beat Valhalla and then I'm going on vacation next week. Thanks for the impressions.
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