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Everything posted by Best

  1. @ort because you told me to get vaccinated I'm scheduled for my moderna shot next Friday at 9am. I also got just got tested for covid because I threw up at work this morning. Negative.
  2. Normal is very easy. But if you're already on easy I say just stick with that. I'm with you, I dislike hard bosses. I haven't encountered anything like that so far, though. Also, @Biggie you would be scurred playing this game lol. Especially if you played at night.
  3. I'd rather it be a cakewalk. As I mentioned before, as I age my gaming skills have gone down the toilet. I'd rather not worry about dying and just enjoy the combat, story, characters, and atmosphere. I'm having fun knowing I can take down the enemy and enjoy the overall experience.
  4. You bringing the hookers and cocaine?
  5. Sounds awesome on paper but I don't think I'm biting on VR this entire new gen. I really regretted buying vr for my ps4 pro as I wasted a lot of money on it. All for tech demos and barely a handful of actual games to play. Maybe in 10 years or so I'll get into it.
  6. Well it has picked up that's for sure! It's creepy as hell and the flow of the game is very good. I decided to play on normal and as I was warned, it's pretty easy. But I prefer it that way and I'm enjoying myself without stressing out about dying. Also, yes, this game is a mix of RE4 and RE7 which is great. Ok, back to playing.
  7. On mobile I never see my post count unless I check my profile which I never do. I accidentally clicked on my profile and saw my post count. I'm kinda surprised it's nearing 20k and thought maybe it would be more since I've been on this forum for 11 years.
  8. Yea, like I mentioned before everything looks amazing except the wheat fields (sprites). You warned me from the demo you played but it's odd that they made everything else look amazing and went lazy with that aspect. I just went home sick from work so I'm about to fire this up now. Like I said, the game slowed down a bit once I hit the castle so I hope it picks up today. From what everyone is saying in the thread it stays pretty consistent throughout so I'm not too worried. I'm glad you gave the game a shot after the stupid demos. I'm playing on my one x and favored higher resolution with 30fps and it hasn't bothered me at all. It looks extremely crisp on my TV and offers some of the best visuals to date.
  9. I just checked my profile and I'm closing in on 20k posts.
  10. 100% on mobile. I no longer own a computer.
  11. Played 2 more hours today. It was good but not nearly as entertaining as the first 3 hours. I'm in the Castle solving a few puzzles and upgrading my guns. The visuals are very nice inside the Castle. Overall, I'm not blown away by any means just pleased. I hope it picks up soon. I'll only get to play it tomorrow then I'm going camping until Sunday.
  12. I need to try that game out again. It was really impressive and extremely realistic. The visuals were stunning, too. I'm not quite sure why I stopped playing it. It had an awesome story with great characters and solid combat.
  13. I'm really excited to play tonight. I loved what I've already played and when a game is on your mind during the day that means it's a great game imo.
  14. I shower before work then after work. I work with a lot of paper dust so I have to shower when I get home. Sometimes I see the dust coming out of my head when I'm rinsing.
  15. I was kidding. I used to google myself all the time. I just googled and the first thing that came up was I am a footballer. I also was charged with a DUI that killed a mother and daughter.
  16. I didn't see my mom today. I wished her a happy mother's day but I'll see her Wednesday. I'll get her flowers, a card, and a gift. But yea, that's unfortunate for those who lost their mother or don't have a good relationship with them.
  17. I'm not a narcissist so I don't know.
  18. If I'm engrossed in a game, 2 hours a day every day. I just recently took a break from gaming but played Village for the first time this evening and played for 3 hours. I'll definitely play tomorrow for 2 hours. I'm going camping next week so I'll obviously stop playing for about 5 days. It varies really. I noticed as I get older my interest has decreased in gaming as a whole though.
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