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Everything posted by Best

  1. I'm not being an asshole here. I'm genuinely asking this. How can anyone be interested in this if you're not 12 yrs old or below?
  2. I re-read what you said and see the sarcasm. I got you. I played it on pc back then and remembering liking it a lot. It’s been years since I've even looked at footage of the game tbh.
  3. That is fucking ridiculous. Jesus. That scares me big time.
  4. Yea, it's a real shame. Too fucking young.
  5. Best

    so u vaxed yet

    That's what I'm getting. That's good to hear you're only feeling achey. Could be much worse.
  6. Other games hide it better. For instance, Valhalla. Overall, I couldn't care less because the game looks amazing.
  7. The wheat fields and even tree limbs are sprites. It looks silly compared to the rest of the game and stands out. I mean I'm not crying over it but I haven't seen a game do that before. You're also correct about the amazing pacing this game has.
  8. If this game released 10 years ago I'd give it a go. I'm just too old and terrible at games now. I'm being completely honest.
  9. Trash? That's being harsh. If I remember correctly it was pretty darn good at the time. It's just not as memorable as Bioshock 1 for me. The first half of bioshock 1 in 2007 was an amazing gaming experience for me at the time. I remember my brother and I being amazed with the mystery of Rapture and the game was great at the time. It hasn't aged well though.
  10. I don't know how you guys handle the stress and disappointment in losing to the bosses. I'd lose my mind. The more I read this thread the more I'm pretty positive I'll never play this game in the future. I just don't have the skill or patience to do what you guys are doing. Many props to you who are facing this game like champs. 🏆
  11. That's what I like to hear. True next gen and not optimizing for last gen. I look forward to seeing footage of this. I'm pretty sure it will look stunning.
  12. Holy shit! 6 hours in and this game is fucking fantastic! I played basically all day so the timer seems off imo. Feel more like 8-10 hours played. So far, this is my favorite RE game yet if it continues at this pace.
  13. God I suck at games these days. I'm stuck now and will have to look up how to progress. I've searched every inch of the castle that is opened to me. Edit: Didn't pay attention to a small detail. Oh well. Moving on.
  14. Best

    so u vaxed yet

    Next Friday I get my first shot. I'm a tiny bit worried about the side effects but we shall see.
  15. @ort because you told me to get vaccinated I'm scheduled for my moderna shot next Friday at 9am. I also got just got tested for covid because I threw up at work this morning. Negative.
  16. Normal is very easy. But if you're already on easy I say just stick with that. I'm with you, I dislike hard bosses. I haven't encountered anything like that so far, though. Also, @Biggie you would be scurred playing this game lol. Especially if you played at night.
  17. I'd rather it be a cakewalk. As I mentioned before, as I age my gaming skills have gone down the toilet. I'd rather not worry about dying and just enjoy the combat, story, characters, and atmosphere. I'm having fun knowing I can take down the enemy and enjoy the overall experience.
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