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Everything posted by Best

  1. The cosmic red looks cool. I do look forward in trying out the ps5 controller in general 3 years from now.
  2. Lol. I drank so many beers that day plus I was taking the marijuana pills you gave me. The marijuana off set my drinking in that I wasn't feeling drunk from all the beer I was drinking. Then in the middle of the night I pissed so much the cabin bed and my entire jeans were completely soaked. That sucked bad! But no drinking this trip so no worries. Will do, thanks.
  3. No, tents. One gigantic tent and one other one. I'm still on the road because we had to back track to one of the guys home because he forgot to lock his front door.
  4. @Chris- I'm driving right now towards Pittsburgh for a 3 hour drive from Harrisburg. I'm camping with my 2 older brother's, dad, and two other friend's of my brother's. So we have a good group of people with booze and weed. I no longer drink or smoke so it will be a sober trip for me. We are camping at a remote wooded area further west of Buchanan State park. We will be south east of Pittsburgh. I didn't check how close we are to Pitt but if you want to join us you're more than welcome too! According to the map I glanced at we are relatively close to Pittsburgh and I obviously don't know where you live. Or do I !!? Come get high and drunk with us with some great food.
  5. The game is big enough for me to worry about this. Doesn't sound to hot any way. Edit: After reading some reviews this doesn't sound bad. I probably still won't touch it. I still have many hours left in the main game. It's amazing how much content these games offer and it's usually quality stuff.
  6. I didn't play today and won't be able to play until Monday because I'm going on a camping trip. I left off at a great spot, too.
  7. I used to think she was pretty funny and a good person. Then after all that came out it's better off she's ending the show. God knows what "challenge" she is attempting to try, though.
  8. I'm leaning toward the 100gb range. My games download pretty fast on my Xbox so it's no big deal. I will however have to delete some games for this.
  9. That's a great recommendation and a great game. I'm not sure how it is in handheld mode. It's pushing the Switch pretty hard. It looks beautiful and more importantly plays beautifully.
  10. Yup. So I'll just buy it on my ps4 pro and enjoy it in all of it's 30fps glory! I'll probably miss a few enhancements other than fps but nothing too drastic I'm almost positive.
  11. Wtf. I had no idea it was even out on ps5. I thought you were playing on pc for some reason. Then I checked more of your impressions and missed you're playing it on ps5. I'll check and see if it's available on ps4. God, I have so many games to play these days. It's a great thing, overall.
  12. I don't know now. After reading bloodpornes impressions it has me worried. 😟 Voice acting would have been a nice option, too. I'll definitely give this a shot just because everyone that has beaten it says it's a masterpiece. Hopefully the text walls aren't too small either. I play on a 65 inch screen so it shouldn't be an issue.
  13. This is my very reason I'm not moving on to next gen. No reason too for at least 2 years lol.
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