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Everything posted by Best

  1. That's interesting. I never buy frozen pizza so I only ever tried like 3 different brands. Digiorno was the best of the 3. Can't remember the names of the other's. Canada seems superior in a lot of things compared to America according to you. I'm not questioning this because you experienced both. But I recall you saying certain things are better in the states compared to Canada. Oh well.
  2. Yea, that's something I'm striving for. About 21 years and I'll be 60 yrs old with 35 yrs with the state. So yea, I'm not even close to living the dream like he is.
  3. That's very weird. Also, digiorno is pretty damn tasty for frozen pizza. Pepperoni or not.
  4. Don't ever underestimate the heart of a champion!
  5. Thanks for the impressions. My nephew is currently playing the dlc and basically has the same opinion as you. I just don't think I'll get it because I still haven't beaten the main game. I have to finish it at some point but that will be enough Valhalla for me. Plus I have other games I want to move on to.
  6. I read more reviews and watched a few video impressions and it's looking good. I watched a vid of side by side comparison of the original ME1 and the remaster and the improvements are noticeable. That's on YouTube. I'm sure it'll look great on my TV.
  7. I'm getting the Moderna shots and this has me paranoid. I really hope my side effects aren't like that.
  8. He's coming around. We think his blood pressure was really low so we forced him to down two bottles of water. He ate salty bacon and drank two cups of coffee. He just got up on his own so we are feeling pretty good now. Thanks guys for the advice and concern. We are leaving soon for a 3 hour drive home. Overall, we all had a great time and I really got some mental and physical relaxation.
  9. He's talking but can't really move. As I type this his eyes are closed. We have everything packed up except breakfast food and coffee. I gave my dad water and he managed to take this pill he takes in the morning for acid reflux. He's just not doing well so I'm sitting next to him making sure nothing bad happens. It really is sad and scary guys. Edit: He's talking and shivering so I gave him hot coffee. He still can't get out of his chair but things seem to be getting a little better.
  10. Awesome character and the visuals look really cool! Thanks for sharing. I'm like you with character creation, always make a female in games these days. I hope you continue to figure out the game and enjoy the beta for what it's worth.
  11. Well, woke up to my dad being extremely dizzy and sick. I had to carry him out of the tent to a chair. We are concerned because we are in the middle of nowhere. He's talking but can't do anything. It's about to rain too so we are gathering all our shit up as fast as possible. I will update later what happens. I'm a little scared.
  12. Resident Evil 4 vr is going to be first person. It's a good decision and it will be awesome. If it's anything like re7 vr it'll be extremely immersive. I'm pretty sure it'll be much better than what the psvr did with re7.
  13. Don't hate on stepee because he's got a sick setup! But he does talk about it a lot lol.
  14. I'm glad you gave it a shot. I know you were skeptical from the stupid demos they shouldn't have released. I'm enjoying the hell out of it and really look forward to playing Monday. I took off Monday so I'm going to binge lol.
  15. Wow. I'm not sure how it has aged but at the time it was so fucking good. I beat it originally on GameCube then again on the Wii using the wiimote. That actually made the game easier because the controls were awesome on the Wii. I'd be interested in your impressions on it in VR. Village is great so far but I can't say yet if it's better than 4 or not.
  16. Ok. Yea, I only played the console versions years ago. I was literally reading reviews for it on the one x and it seems pretty solid. I'm going to play it.
  17. It's definitely going to be a completely new experience for me. I'm fully prepared for something I may not even like but I will absolutely give it time before making judgment.
  18. How dare you insult the greatest basketball player to ever play!? @Fizzzzle
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