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Everything posted by Best

  1. This is disappointing. The Mako was a complete mess back in the day. That's something they should have really focused on. Can anyone else confirm this sad news?
  2. Well, to put it bluntly, my mom is currently being a bitch about the entire thing. She's said she's not his mommy and he can take of himself. I'm about an hour away and not feeling well myself. I just hope everything turns out ok. I'll tell you what, my dad was in exceptional health all the way up to about 76 years old. Since then, his health has declined significantly which really breaks my heart. Him tearing his rotator cuff falling in the shower was the nail in the coffin recently. Ugh...
  3. Well I decided to stop at Rite-Aid for my basic needs and low and behold DiGiorno pizza was THE main frozen pizza promoted. Buried underneath DiGiorno's different style pizza was a brand called "Amy's Pizza".... So in my area, DiGiorno seems really popular. I'm sure I'd see a better selection at my main grocery store but this is interesting.
  4. I read all your mini reviews and they are all exceptionally written and to the point. @Greatoneshere does well too, don't get me wrong.
  5. I'm about to take Alka seltzer plus and a Tylenol. Hope that will make me feel better to at least game today.
  6. I see myself getting to that point soon. I feel as I get older my interests are switching and gaming will eventually take a back seat. Especially if I meet this imaginary woman I hope to meet and really begin to live a real life.
  7. I thankfully took off today to recover from a trip I took and will soon be binging on the Village at around noon today. I might get close to beating it.
  8. Well my dad is still dizzy and not well at all. I literally just told my mom to get him to the hospital. She's not taking this seriously enough. Pisses me off.
  9. Jfc I feel like a god damn moron right now. I'll have to check out the frozen pizza section today when I go to the store to see the different options. I feel sick from camping so I'm going to pickup some Alka Seltzer Plus extra strength and some spring water. But I feel like a loser right now because of this post and can't seem to gather the strength to get out of bed right now. Jesus.
  10. This. I have a sad right now because I don't have children. Fuck this shit.
  11. You are really good at reviewing movies. Like on par or even better than "professional" reviews I read. Good work, my friend. You are very good, too. You sometimes lose focus in your reviews but I trust both of you guys in the reviews you give and I specifically like your rating scale. Good work, too.
  12. I've played them all and even RE7 in VR (scary as shit) but so far RE4 is still my favorite. I'm roughly 7 hours into 8 so I can't even rate it just yet. All I can say is I've really enjoyed what I've played so far. I'm off today but only just woke up. I don't feel particularly great but I just got done camping with a bunch of shit thrown into my system including several cigars lol.
  13. Watched the entire thing. Well done! You made it seem like I could possibly pull that off. That was kind of intense to watch.
  14. Sorry to hear about your health. I'm happy that you have your good days and can enjoy gaming. Yea, I'm starting to think maybe I'll be alone for the rest of my life and that is ok to me. It gets lonely but my responsibilities are really low. It frees up gaming time for sure. I just don't know. I'm confused. At least I have my health and have a good job etc. I try to stay positive.
  15. You made the correct choice. It's a dragon age rip off but falls extremely short. Not worth your time at all. Greedfall is not open world in the slightest. It's like Fable where there are small zones to play in then loading screens to progress. Game is trash the more I think about it.
  16. Greedfall was pretty bad. Like 5/10 type game. I gave it a few hours and had to drop it like a hot potato.
  17. We don't know what the hell happened. We are currently home and he is doing really well. We thought his blood pressure was low so when I looked up what to do, drinking water was one thing they recommended.
  18. Both are equally annoying to me. I can't pick because I run into both scenarios at work and it pisses me the hell off.
  19. Yea, I hear Tylenol is key. I'll manage and hope for the best. Like you said, it will only be a day maybe two at worst. Exactly.
  20. Very fucking true. I'm leaning that way in my mind. I need to meet a good Christian woman. How? I think I might start attending church and maybe meet someone that way. Who knows. I'm getting too fucking old.
  21. Yes, I remember you saying that now. I've tried tombstone but I preferred Digiorno. This has been years though.
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