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Everything posted by Best

  1. If they are working on GTA 6 we won't see it for probably 3 years. Just imagine what they could do with these new consoles. I played and beat GTA 5 twice and it's a phenomenal game. I just really hope that after they were done with RDR2 they started development on GTA 6.
  2. You will. I've seen you in action. You're a beast. Or at least an above average gamer like @JPDunks4
  3. I think I'm asexual now. Haven't maturbated in 3 months and my religious views change everything about me and my views on women.
  4. 12 hours into Village and I'm getting pretty close to beating it. So far, I'd say this is an 8/10 game. Nothing is blowing me away it's just well done and fun. I was expecting a better game than this. Overall, still very good.
  5. What the hell. They are milking the shit out of this game. And, as usual, people will buy it and it will continue to make massive amounts of money for Rockstar. At this point they don't even need to release GTA 6 until next gen. That is, the gen after the xsx and ps5.
  6. Great game even better on the PC. Well better than the PS4 Pro version that is. I think it got patched for the PS5 for 4K/60. For those who missed out on this jump on it right away. It's awesome.
  7. Garrus was my boy back when I played it on 360. I wonder why he isn't performing for you? He was badass... this seems odd and hopefully they didn't fuck anything up. Thank you for posting this! I'll be playing this within a few days. Really looking forward to going back to the ME universe.
  8. How long is a Chinamen?
  9. More dirt is being pulled up about him having affairs in the early 2000's and also his relationship with Epstein. I just have a feeling he was messing around with under age girls with the guidance of that monster.
  10. The trailer basically showed the entire movie. It looks pretty good but they showed to much. Looks like an inspirational type movie and I did like the soundtrack. I might watch it and see if it goes in different directions the "trailer" showed.
  11. Watched some of the videos above. Looks kinda cool but I'd never play it. I'm just not into that type of game. Hope you enjoy it @Keyser_Soze
  12. Glad you got checked up. Hopefully they find something and can help you out.
  13. Best


    I only got $113 back from federal. I got it within a day of doing my taxes via direct deposit. I didn't owe anything.
  14. Because I'm an idiot and posted that at 5:40am as I just woke up lol. I'll watch them later. I just got back to work and I'm fuckin slammed with work. 150 emails and so much shit to catch up on. Thanks for the impressions. I know @stepee was waiting for impressions too.
  15. Definitely not my cup of tea but I know you like that art style. I'll have to look up vids to see it. Thanks for the impressions.
  16. I'm pretty sure you're at least a good father. I guess you just don't sleep. More power to you, really. I get burnt out quickly when playing.
  17. ME1 is awesome and is a must play before heading into part 2 & 3. You'll really enjoy it, I'm almost positive.
  18. You're married with children. How in the hell do you find the time to game as much as you do? I'm single and don't have much responsibility and I haven’t even beaten Village yet. You have 94 hours in!!!
  19. I meant visual mode or whatever it's called to make the the graphics at a higher resolution. You're correct, performance mode is 60fps/1080p. Not sure what the resolution is for the visual performance mode.
  20. Solid title. I got close to beating it but stopped for some reason I can't remember. Fun fluid combat with a fun story and characters.
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