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Everything posted by Best

  1. Fable, Elders Scrolls 6 info, next project Rockstar is working on, Metroid Prime 4, and footage of Starfield. That's just onto of my head. I'm sure there is more I want to see and hear about.
  2. I'll report in on how massive this load is going to be. It's probably going to feel fucking amazing!
  3. I've worked many more days in a row than that. That's nothing. But I know your job is extremely stressful so I understand it taking a toll on you.
  4. I appreciate the different views points in the thread. After research and this thread, I'm going to take care of my human needs. It won't be often either but enough is enough. I've haven't masturbated in months. When I'm showering and cleaning my dick with soap it feels so good lol. Like my body is begging to cum.
  5. Thank you for letting me what video explained. But: I'll be fine and will enjoy the hell out of these games again.
  6. Thank you. I've only played the 360 versions so I'm pretty sure I'll be pleased with the upgrades. I'm playing this immediately after I'm done with Village. I already bought it and it's downloaded.
  7. I really appreciate all the responses guys. It means a lot. I'm leaning toward masturbation because like most of you said, the psychology and biology are pretty clear that masturbation is normal and even healthy. Andrea is also correct, it's absolutely open to interpretation in how the Bible trys to explain it. I've never been addicted to porn nor masturbate every day. So overall, I think I'm going to go ahead and jerk it when I get the urge. I'm extremely close to Jesus and God and it's a very personal thing but I know a lot of you have your view points on it all together. That's cool and thanks for taking this thread seriously.
  8. Overall I think you're ok at times but sometimes your responses can be cruel or even stupid. No reason to be mean at all.
  9. Ugh. I understand your views on religion Andrea but I just don't know what to do. I'm not Catholic either. I'm just confused. I'll keep this thread going to see if I get more feedback. BTW, I appreciate your response @RacheI and take no offense to it.
  10. Yea that's half way or a little more. A few hours to go.
  11. I literally spent an hour researching this and I'm getting conflicting answers. I can maybe see maturbating to porn as a married man or woman being a sin because in essence you're kinda cheating. But for a single man like myself and with sexual desire and sexual build up I have to humanly release my semen my body says do it! The Bible doesn't even mention masturbation only that lustful thoughts of another women or man while married is a sin. There's more in the Bible that some of these researchers try to pull out to make it seem that maturbating is lack of self control and going against God's view of our sexualility and bodies as holy temples. My issue is that it's a physical need that at times needs released. God made us that way. Is viewing porn to masturbate sinning? I'm really confused and sorry if this comes off as a half ass post. I could go into greater detail but you get my general question. What do you guys think? I know I've said I don't have much of a sexual desire due to my medications I'm on but I absolutely get the urge to use porn and masturbate to release sexual tension at times. It’s not every day or even a week. But right now I'm horny, single, and need to release. Any serious help and suggestions are greatly appreciated.
  12. I don't blame you. GTA 5 imo is one of the best games I've ever played honestly. With next gen upgrades it will be awesome to go back to.
  13. Awesome. Yea, beat Village then focus on this afterwards. It's a truly phenomenal game.
  14. Hell no. I think the entire idea of a priest is a joke. I won't go into that.
  15. Well I'm extremely attracted to women tbh. I just have different views now on a lot of things. I was joking about being asexual. My meds have lowered my sex drive significantly, though.
  16. God, that is great news if true. I can't imagine what Elders Scrolls 6 will look like. I'm really looking forward to that. As for Starfield, I have no idea what the game even is lol. I'm not really looking forward to that. I just want Elders Scrolls 6 in my veins. Probably 2023 release.
  17. If they are working on GTA 6 we won't see it for probably 3 years. Just imagine what they could do with these new consoles. I played and beat GTA 5 twice and it's a phenomenal game. I just really hope that after they were done with RDR2 they started development on GTA 6.
  18. You will. I've seen you in action. You're a beast. Or at least an above average gamer like @JPDunks4
  19. I think I'm asexual now. Haven't maturbated in 3 months and my religious views change everything about me and my views on women.
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