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Everything posted by Best

  1. Ok. Unfortunately my feed gets a bunch of Biden gaffes so it's all I see (Trump gaffes as well). I'll absolutely take your word for it. Again, I supported him with the SOTU address and thought he was fine. My news feeds are not accurate at all. I'm not into politics but been keeping an eye on things at times and read posts here as well. I'm all for educating myself on this stuff.
  2. A quick note. I didn't like how small the text is with everything on the deck so I'm just going to play this on PS5. I will be using a guide for the first act so I don't have to bother @Bacon with any questions.
  3. Regardless of his true intentions it's still completely idiotic to interact with a minor where it was borderline inappropriate. He sealed his fate.
  4. I remember that from the radio. I looked it up and that was 10 years ago.
  5. Well I played both this afternoon. BG3 does a much better job in hooking you in with the story very quickly. Also the visuals and production values are superior to DOS2.
  6. Ok. I think I'm going to give BG3 another try. I made some early mistakes when I played on PS5 but got some good info on here in how to successfully progress. I'm going to play this on my deck because it's been collecting dust.
  7. Interesting. I just watched two YouTube videos claiming Divinity: Original Sin 2 is better than BG3. But what you say makes sense. Maybe I'll play Divinity first then move on to BG3?
  8. No. Philly fans are down right disgusting. I've been to Eagles games, Sixer games, and to Phillies games. It's simply out of control.
  9. No, I understand he stutters and I sympathize with him on that. But I just saw a video of Biden from 1992 and he was like a completely different person. He spoke so eloquently and was really sharp. But overall I understand where you guys are coming from.
  10. Well I also see a lot of footage where Biden is litteraly mumbling words and doesn't seem coherent. I could easily post a few videos now backing that up. But my opinion on Trump has changed considerably and I understand the sheer hate he receives on here. His speeches to the cities he's making his rounds to are so fuckun juvenile. He is like a terrible stand up comedian just throwing jabs at Biden with nothing to back it up with. I will be doing my part in November voting for Biden (first time ever for me to go left) but I don't see any other way.
  11. I only played maybe 30 minutes of Divinity: Original Sin 2 and maybe 15 hours of Baldur's Gate 3. For those that played and completed both, which one did you prefer?
  12. That's a very good assessment on this game. I still struggle to like Aloy but she did grow on me a little in this. I hope they end this series in the 3rd one.
  13. It's a good game but you eventually hit a wall where they force you to gather materials and gear to level up. This becomes very tedious and bad game design. Because other than that, It's a really cool game with the best world I've seen in a game to date.
  14. I've been keeping a sharp eye on Trump and on his speaking events. He has absolutely declined by a big margin from 2020. He litteraly cannot answer any questions but just repeats himself over and over. But Biden isn't any better so it's a real shame we have these two candidates for November.
  15. I know. It's all good 👍
  16. So the article I read this morning when waking up is that Trump will most likely skip out on this debate like a coward. The article was just bashing Trump up and down.
  17. You should list the games in the original post.
  18. It was remarkable when he kept mentioning things over a period of time where we both started pming each other and figured it all out. We had the same friends but yea, it's wild for us to both end up on this forum.
  19. I went to hs with beerham. I have a basketball game highlight that was on TV and the camera is put right on him as he was celebrating in the crowd. He was a funny guy in hs.
  20. drwater was a legend. DGH still posts here. Everyone else can fuck off.
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