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Everything posted by Best

  1. Yea but so is Trump. Others on here continued to say Trump is just as bad if not worse off than Biden cognitively and last night completely put that to rest. Biden did awful overall and is like a walking corpse. Don't get this twisted as me being on Trumps side by any means. He litteraly didn't answer one question he was asked and he repeated himself a ton. Both candidates are terrible.
  2. I give Biden the win for the first half of this. Started extremely rough but he calmed down and his voice is sounding better. Trump just acts like he is in 5th grade.
  3. @AbsolutSurgen So are you going to play BH3?
  4. Uh oh. Not looking good at all right now. It's really a shame Biden's voice is gone. That pause and kinda mumbling his way out was something he does a lot. He fortunately was saved by the administrator and got cut off.
  5. Yea, Bronny was barely a Division 1 player tbh. There's no way on Earth that he can compete in the NBA at this point in time. But this is how life works unfortunately. Daddy is a powerful man pulling a lot of strings.
  6. No, you absolutely don't need to play the first two Baldur's Gate games to play 3. Despite being the third game in a dense, lore-filled franchise, Baldur's Gate 3 is kind of a standalone story set in the same world.
  7. I've already watched a few beginner guides. I'm not spoiling the story just learning how the game mechanics work.
  8. I completely missed this! This will be VERY interesting.
  9. Very nice. I'm grabbing one tonight. I must have missed it in the very beginning.
  10. Nice. A bed roll is available in the beginning beach area. I'll grab it tonight.
  11. Ok I was trying to figure out how to heal without potions. So it's kinda similar to BG3 in resting for the night.
  12. Yea so if he isn't picked 55th by the Lakers I'm not sure what his plan is. I didn't read into it enough.
  13. I'm looking forward to this. I'll get my popcorn ready at about 845pm eastern time.
  14. Well I decided to play DOS2 first. I'm about 2 hours in and absolutely loving it. I haven't had any issues in combat yet and I chose the easiest difficulty. Larian is really impressing me with just how immersive their games are. I'm going to look up a few things that I'm confused on but I appreciate the responses from you guys.
  15. @Mr.Vic20 @legend @Kal-El814 One last question. Which is the easier game between DOS2 and BG3?
  16. Bulletstorm looks like a cool Doom like vr experience. Homeworld is not my cup of tea.
  17. Fuck. Sounds so awesome and that screen above is dope. I value your opinion big time when it comes to Fromsoft games/clones.
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