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Everything posted by Best

  1. I can still gift her something. She didn't take my money for food but I can at least get her a game. I could just go through you.
  2. I'll pick the winners now. @eventide11 and @nublood Congrats. The number was 27. You win!
  3. Trump reminds me of the Joker in Batman 1989. I just watched it again last night and Trump reminds me of the Joker when Vicki Vale splashes water in his face. And the Joker keeps screaming "I'm melting , I'm melthing"! haha.
  4. I have my two winners but I'll wait a bit more. In the afternoon I'll shut it down.
  5. The fireworks display i saw last night was better than any professional venue. It was stunning and really close lol.
  6. I'm surrounded by a few people who had a bit too much to drink. Being sober it's really embarrassing seeing this and knowing I was just like them at one point.
  7. No. It only began this afternoon. I'll keep it going until tomorrow evening I think.
  8. She lived a great life. I gave my brothers fiance money to cover costs and for taking care of her for so long. Thanks.
  9. Well when I say "mandatory" I mean if you're not a level 6 or 7 in the beginning of act 2 you will absolutely die. In my last playthrough I did that and got completely destroyed at level 5. So in a sense it's mandatory.
  10. Doing some reading I don't think I like the fact that you have to be a certain level to start act 2. They recommend you be at least a level 6 or 7 but that just kinda forces you to do everything in act 1. I will absolutely do everything but it shouldn't be mandatory to continue the game. Maybe I'm being stupid.
  11. I am thinking tomorrow afternoon but people are away from the computer today with family and friends so I might give it more time.
  12. Waffles is so cute. I have a few pics saved on my phone.
  13. In honor of the holiday and really hoping you guys have off work today, I feel like doing another giveaway because most of you here are worthy of this. A lot of you have families and a lot on your plate on a daily basis and I'm in a fortune spot to do giveaways and gift you something. Same idea of guessing a number between 1-100. Again if two users are close, I'll gift two games. Happy 4th everyone and good luck!
  14. A successful session today. I killed all leaders in the goblin camp so that the Tieflings can leave the grove peacefully. I'm about to speak with Haslin and Kagha to see what transpires next. I never was in the position but the custom difficulty has allowed me to get to this point.
  15. I'm the same. I usually cry in my car where nobody sees me. However, yesterday I couldn't control my tears for losing my dog and let it flow downstairs where I live. My mom was crying with me.
  16. Hope everyone has a relaxing day off from work and have a safe holiday.
  17. I'm going to my sister's mansion (yes, it's ridiculous) and having a feast. Her house is by a lake and they set off real fireworks too. It's going to be awesome.
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