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Everything posted by Best

  1. IDK. I watched the ABC interview and he is not good, period. I don't care what anyone says he is slowly dying in front of us. I get Trump is terrible in other regards but he is know doubt better off health wise than Biden. By a lot! Trump can speak and carrying on conversation and run debates and rallies. I am bewildered honestly. No way in hell Biden can be president for 4 more years. And it seems nobody here has any concrete answers as to what to do just like the democratic party. Don't take this as me favoring Trump either.
  2. Jesus. I'll take your word for it because I know you studied a lot of history. Just kinda crazy is all.
  3. I started another playthrough on my deck. @Keyser_Soze Have you ever heard of this issue that doesn't connect you online? It reads "inappropriate behavior" or something. Wtf is that about?
  4. Wasn't JFK having sex with a 14yr old while President? I thought we weren't bringing child molesters back?
  5. What is the consensus on this? Anybody play it recently. I went to play it on my deck and it needs to download patches I assume.
  6. So I made love to Lae'zel and she beat the shit out of me apparently. I was surprised they'd show her vagina but I'm glad it didn't get any more raunchy than that. But upon waking up my character was really sore lol. Wtf did she do to me!?
  7. lol way too soon buddy boy. I think I got you NCAA coming up so you should be good.
  8. I figured. She hates my guts for some odd reason.
  9. I won't post it but apparently Biden struggled terribly yesterday speaking without a teleprompter. I just watched it and he called Trump one of our allies.
  10. I'll get you $75 worth of PSN codes. Pm coming soon.
  11. Ok. I'll get back on soon and add you. You won the contest so I just need to know what you want!
  12. I'm hyped for this. But I agree that going gold these days really doesn't mean much other than yea, it most likely releases on the planned release date.
  13. Oh, interesting. Well I'm basically trying to complete everything in act 1 and I'm having a lot of fun now that the difficulty is very manageable for me.
  14. I'm currently dealing with the hag and this time I didn't let her take my eye out lol. I'm level 4 but hope with the custom difficulty I have set I can finally kill her. She was is impossible for me in my last run.
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