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Everything posted by Best

  1. I saw Twister in the theater because I've always had a fascination with tornadoes. I was about 14 years old at it's release and I really enjoyed it. I even bought it when it released to stores.
  2. Damn. Maybe I'll start with part 1 and play them all. It's debatable which is better between part 2 and 3. I was watching a lot of videos on this very topic. Obviously the ending for part 3 lowered the overall scores when comparing them.
  3. Fuck that's terrible. Maybe since I'm not so invested with the story and characters (like carrying over my character to each game) I won't be as disappointed. Because the first 3 hours of part 3 is extremely good.
  4. It's EA...they haven't made a great sports games in years. I checked the reviews for past Madden games and they are 7/10 type games.
  5. This is interesting. Yea, maybe ride with Biden for a year after re-election and then switch it to Harris. But you guys are saying she isn't very popular or well liked.
  6. You mean you would start by playing part 1 and go through each? I read that initially the ending for part 3 was heavily criticized but after some patches the ending is more fleshed out?
  7. I just don't understand how it's possible to keep ridin with Biden. He barely got through that 15 minute interview on CBS that was recorded. He was answering the questions with 2 words or less. Then when asked if he watched the debate he said "he doesn't think he watched it".... lol He is completely fried. Let Harris take over. She'll at least be able to communicate their message to the masses. You know, be able to make appearances and not look like a walking corpse. Again, I'm only saying this off information I've seen and I realize I'm not as educated as most of you guys on here. So take it easy on me if you think I'm wrong.
  8. So I did some reading and decided to just play and beat Mass Effect 3. It's considered the best in the trilogy and technically it's superior. You get a really good story synopsis of part 1 and 2 so I fully understand what's going on. I played 3 hours this morning and I'm completely hooked. Such an amazing game for 2012. Also, ME Legendary version is only $5.99 through the steam sale. Absolutely worth it.
  9. I think option 2 is the best.
  10. But you don't own an OLED deck. It fuckin pops on that! Unless you're playing on an OLED monitor?
  11. My sister went to Dublin 3 or so years ago and she said it was so beautiful. After seeing the pics I agree.
  12. I was watching gaming bolt's top 30 games of all-time and Tekken 8 was on the list.
  13. I'm not exaggerating that it could pass as a current gen title. I understand it's because I'm playing on a smaller screen with it running at 800p. If I were playing on console it wouldn't look as good. lol it looks great I'm tellin you!
  14. I've decided to play ME2 all the way through. I've beaten part 1 a few different times but I believe I've only beaten part 2 once in 2010. I'm playing on my deck and it looks so good.
  15. I played about an hour of Mass Effect 2. It could easily pass as a current gen game.
  16. I played it just now. Yep, it plays perfectly fine and to my surprise, looks really good.
  17. I watched the entire game. She is incredible.
  18. It's ridiculous. But I don't root against the kid.
  19. Lol I just watched it. He also chugged his hot sauce and then poured some in his eye.
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