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Everything posted by Best

  1. We got pizza last night so I'm eating the two left over pieces before I eat the meal lol.
  2. I'm confused as hell honestly.
  3. No but it's just sad to see. Even her face looks fucked up from surgery.
  4. What a train wreck her life will be once everything fades away.
  5. It's strange to me but it's sausage and chicken with tomato sauce. Then some sort of pasta. She said her mother made it.
  6. I can make you a deal. If it scores in the 70's and you still want it...I'll buy you a copy.
  7. I pick your mama. No, I'm happy to see Leon getting a switch 2.
  8. I can't get tacos today because my mommy is making a huge meal. She'd be pissed if I didn't eat it.
  9. They do that EXACT thing with Madden every year! Listen, I hope it's a good football game but I'm trying to warn you about EA.
  10. I didn't know it was on gamepass. Are you interested in playing part 3?
  11. The Legendary edition gives you an in depth summary of each game. So you could potentially just play part 3 and be pretty knowledgeable in what's going. Having said that, Greatoneshere made a good point that understanding the plot via a synopsis is not nearly as beneficial as in actually experiencing the story by playing through the game. I'm not sure you'd like this or not to recommend it.
  12. Part 1 is the most RPG like and yes, there is a lot of dialogue and dialogue choices. However, part 3 is much different. In fact they give you an option in the beginning to pick "action mode" where it plays like a 3rd person shooter. The dialogue is cut down considerably and it's a phenomenal game.
  13. I told you I know nothing about Pokémon etc. I'm not sure what other games they've made.
  14. No all I had to do was sign into EA and then everything runs great.
  15. I had to look that up. Never heard of them.
  16. And they charge $60! Nintendo is something else.
  17. Is brilliant diamond a separate game you mean?
  18. Boy, going from ME3 to part 1 was rough lol. But they are separated by 5 years of each other. I'm already hooked though. I forgot just how fuckin good these games are. And it's giving me something to play on my deck which is good.
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