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Everything posted by Best

  1. Best


    Brian posted this topic a few minutes ago.
  2. Best


    Where are you guys watching these games?
  3. We ended in an ok spot but she was litteraly abusive in our friendship. She was extremely toxic when she was drinking but apparently she's sober now.
  4. I thought there was only that one guy..name isn't coming to me. There were more than 1?
  5. Ok that's what I was thinking too. Nintendo is in such a good spot compared to Microsoft and Sony.
  6. @Biggie Why do you think Nintendo hasn't revealed the Switch 2? I'm confused as hell.
  7. I do too. She was hilarious. I'm not sure what her reasons are for not posting here.
  8. Same as usual in picking a number between 1-100. I'll choose two winners again probably late tomorrow. I'm feeling generous lately and I want to give back to the community.
  9. I see. How's your hip now?
  10. That honestly wasn't the greatest idea to drive in that condition.
  11. I mainly miss drwater and boss.
  12. Thanks. I definitely love the combat options in ME1. I only played a little bit of part 2 and 3. But the first thing I noticed was much better control in covering and shooting mechanics. But I didn't go deep into combat.
  13. Damn. That's fuckin rough.
  14. I have had a massive shift in what I think now. Mainly from reading information on this board and by changing where I get my news and information.
  15. Yea I understand what you mean in that ME 2 really serves no purpose because part 3 is essentially the same story again. But I disagree with you about the combat. Part 2 and 3 have much better combat than part 1.
  16. I'm trying to be civil with you. I still don't know what I ever did to you? But anyway I don't want to ruin the thread with this nonsense. Just ignore me.
  17. Fake concern trolling? Wtf are you talking about? And yes, Biden can't even finish a sentence and I'll point that out every time I see it. Not sure why that bothers you. Also, please stop being sarcastic with me and just put me on ignore. Christ, I ignored you for 2 months and you wouldn't leave me alone. Now I decided to just move on and you still disrespect me.
  18. Lol. It's a great space opera. I can understand not enjoying it now in 2024. I just love ME.
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